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    Newsletter 2-24-25

    Monday, February 24, 2025


    They're back but probably just this week and in very limited numbers so order early!
    These are the actual fish we have in stock.  Size is slightly larger than a standard "regular" angelfish size.  Smaller than Medium.  
    Cories are also back in stock. Hoping to have enough to go around all week but order early just to be safe.
    Hey folks,

    We got 500 of the Starfire Red ® Angelfish in the selling room this morning, and they're sure to go quick so if you're one of the dozens of store's that's been eagerly waiting for a restock, now's your chance!   Size of course is smaller than back when they first released since we've been waiting until they're up to size to release them for sale so please be aware of that.  

    We've also been getting pretty good numbers daily on the GloFish Cory Cats in both Green and yellow the last couple weeks and this is no exception.  If you haven't carried the cories in a while, definitely try them again.  The yellows look just as good as the greens.  


    Colombia was good to us again this week.  We used a supplier we don't use as often as our "main" sources, and got some really neat new stuff I think everyone's going to like.  

    Firstly, True Parrot Cichlids are back for the first time in about 3 years I think.  These are one of the only truly green cichlids I've seen, and they are relatively peaceful for a large cichlid and have a cool and unique looking face.  The ones we got in are the perfect size, about 3-3.5 inches.  

    The other cool stuff from Colombia are some spotted/marble hoplo cats, which are the perfect scavenger for any freshwater tank.  These are about 2.5 inches already, and will get about 8 inches fully grown, but they have a mouth like a cory cat, not a redtail cat.  They eat leftover foot, and do a great job rooting around the bottom of a tank cleaning up the leftovers.  These also have an attractive spotted pattern unlike the Florida bred Hoplos we rarely get that are solid brown.  

    True Altum Angels are back, and this will probably be the last batch we can get this year.  They have a fairly short collecting season, so they get very hard to come by very soon. These are the perfect size for acclimating to captivity, big enough to be sturdy and not need food every 6 hours, but small enough that they'll still adapt to a new water condition in captivity.  

    Some cool stuff from Asia came in too like zebra loaches and fire eels that are always extremely popular.  Red Pearl Flowerhorns are somehow still here too, I have no idea how those didn't sell out.  For about $6 they're the best value flowerhorn we've ever gotten in here I believe.    Also got restocked on both Bulgarian Green and Green Avatar Angelfish, although both did come in smaller than last time (see pics below)

    Check out the pictures and writeups about the specifics below and give your rep a call if you have any questions

    Blue Phantoms are good size and showing really nice blue color already.
    Orange Seam Plecos, starting to color up already!  Check the difference between the picture we sent Friday versus this one, big difference just in a couple days of growing the fins back.  
    Leopard Ctenopomas are back and decent size.  
    Rosy Barb are back, altough numbers are probably still very limited.  Might sell out of what we got from the breeder by Tuesday, not sure if they'll have anything to restock us with later in the week so order early.  
    Large Tiger Barbs are still coming in absolutely fantastic.  They look so much better when they're big, with the red in the fins and the red noses.  
    Medium Goyder River Rainbow showing a lot more color than normal.  This is one of the less popular rainbow species, but they still definitely deserve your attention.
    Diamond Tetras are pretty good size this week!  
    Penguin Tetra are back but they're fairly mixed in size.  As you can see with the quarter for reference, they range from "average size" to "huge".  
    Regular OB Peacock are super nice, freshly juiced up with plenty of hormones from Asia.  if you want non-juiced peacocks we do have a few varieties of FL Bred fish as well for you, including Ngara Flametails.
    Reptile & Amphibian Highlights
    Calotes and Butterfly Agamas are back!  Both super cool and less common lizards that do great in captivity and should be way more popular.  They look cool and exotic and will catch your customers' eyes.  Also restocked on CA Wood turtles, which look beautiful.  Sort of a cross between a box turtle and a painted turtle.  

    Please join USARK-Florida, even if you're not a Florida resident or business. Membership is free and you can sign up here: USARK-FL Membership.
    central american wood turtle
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    Destiny ext 299
    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296

    Karen ext 218

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