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    Newsletter 2-10-25

    Tuesday, February 11, 2025


    4" Salvini came in over the weekend and are looking awesome.  This strain has a super intense yellow color along with nice red belly.
    Hey folks,

    Remember, this is the first week of getting you the "Monday specials" on Friday with the main list like we talked about on Friday.  You no longer need to wait for this email.  We're still going to be sending this though because you need to be updated about the Reptile and Saltwater price lists.  As well as any new fish that arrived over the weekend.

    This week we did get a couple new Florida fish over the weekend in the form of 2 sizes of Salvini cichlid.  These are one of the nicest strains of Salvini, much prettier than they usually are.  We also got some new Rhino Gobies and Blue Kerri Tetras in over the weekend.  These come from our Guppy supplier, so of course we also got a massive guppy restock like usual.  The list says 'limited" on virtually all the guppies, but as of now they should all be good to go again.  


    Lots and lots of awesome new fish in here this week for you, including lots of high-demand items that are inexpensive I think you're all going to be very excited about.  

    The first two items that fall into this category are both from our Colombia shipment.  Habrosus Cory Cats and Peacock Bass.  These used to be fairly common staples but in recent years it's been a lot tougher to find these.  Habrosus are a pygmy cory that only get MAYBE 1 inch fully grown, probably less than that, so they're perfect for nano tanks.  But even for larger tanks they make great options because they school tightly with each other as they skim all over the tank cleaning up leftover food.  The Peacock bass are the "regular' size about 1.5 inch or so and therefore are the cheapest entry point into getting peacock bass.  For those of you that have never brought in fish from another country before, what you really pay for is the bag of water, so if the supplier can fit 300 fish in that bag of water, your price per fish is much lower than if they can fit 8 fish in that box.  So with fish like Peacock bass, there is a MASSIVE price jump when we order a size larger.  You are much better off getting small ones like this and raising them (and they grow extremely fast).  

    We also got a lot of goodies from the far-east, like some more of the super-popular Dwarf Puffers.  More excitingly though, we also got some cool new stuff like Samurai Gouramis and some new fancier types of Frotosa.  Black Widow Frontosa are probably the coolest and most desirable Frontosa in the hobby.  They get a really cool "spider web-like" pattern on their sides instead of the normal vertical bars of a typical Frontosa.  We also got some "red" frontosa which are definitely a reddish coloration instead of being more of a blueish coloration, so also really neat looking.  

    Balloon Kissing Gouramis are back from Indo also, and were very popular last time.  If you like having something super unique they're worth checking out.  Also the Knight Gobies that came in a couple weeks ago had their normal weeklong period of being sick but now they're done being medicated and they're stable and on the list this week.  That's another really nice and very cheap interesting oddball fish you can offer in your store.  

    Probably the most exciting category though this week are the Cichlids.  We got some more rare stuff from Cichlids of the Americas that I'm sure a few of you are going to be very excited about.  The large ones are pictured at the top of this email,  Herichthys Steindachneri.   They're every bit of 9-10 inches, some are larger than that.  Big humps on the heads and they look incredible, and there's a 0% chance your customers have ever seen this fish for sale before.  We also got some smaller fish from him this time, in the form of some Bulleri and some Cribroheros Rostratus.  Both are very attractive fish when they're fully grown.  The fish we have so sell to you are about 2.5-3 inches for each of those species so they've got some growing to do but mean you can get them for a non-insane price.  

    Also in cichlids but from the other side of the world, our African Cichlid selection got a lot better this week too.  We got a nice selection of assorted FL Bred medium male peacocks, plus some specialty hybrids (all males as well) in full color.  Regular sized fancy mixed mbunas are back, and have some really neat fish in the mix at the moment.  

    Give us a call if you have any questions!

    Medium bosemani are the best rainbow this week, and are a recent addition to the list.  The regular size are imported and much smaller with much less color, it's definitely worth spending a little extra for the mediums.
    Yellow Rainbows are very similar to Bosemani  just without the dark front half.  Same awesome yellow and orange back half.  
    Medium Salvini came back in also along with the 4 inch up top.  The mediums are oversized (this is the smallest one in the tank)
    Veiltail cherry came in gigantic this week, hopefully this size lasts when these sell out and we restock tomorrow or Wednesday.  
    Med venustus are about 3 inch and showing great color.  You can see a little bit of blue in the face on the males already!  
    Lg assorted hap are still the best option for colored up cichlids right now.  Tons of awesome hybrids in the mix like whatever the hell this guy is.  
    Clouded archers are still here, very very limited number.  if you missed out last week grab them now.  
    Butterfly plecos got restocked from Colombia last week.  Size is average about 3 inches.  These get about 6 inches, maybe 7 full grown so make a great option for smaller tanks.  
    Rainbow severums got restocked and are every bit as nice as the last batch.  I honestly can barely believe these fish aren't being fed hormone boosting food, but I know they're not since they're locally bred and that food is illegal in the US.    These should be some absolutely beautiful fish when they mature.  
    Reptile & Amphibian Highlights
    Decent sized reptile update this week for you all.  Looks like the reptile guy finally got in a few of the species we get asked about the most (beardies, leopard geckos).  Yellow Uromastix are back too and are always one of the nicest reptiles for the price and truly make great pets.  They're basically like a Bearded Dragon with better color.  Same heat requirements (very hot) and same temperament of wanting to just sit and chill with you without running away or biting.   Lots of spiders restocked this week as well, along with some forest scorpions.  

    Please join USARK-Florida, even if you're not a Florida resident or business. Membership is free and you can sign up here: USARK-FL Membership.
    bearded dragons are finally in stock!  If you've been waiting now's your chance!
    Contact Your Sales Rep

    Destiny ext 299
    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296

    Karen ext 218

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