Current customers can order here at Nautilus Wholesale If you're not set up for online ordering contact your sales rep |
Hey Everyone,
We are going to be closed this entire upcoming week, so this is really the email to hype you up for the week AFTER Christmas (starting on the 30th). Don't worry, we will reschedule this same email to go out NEXT Friday as well so you get this a little closer to ordering time for your convenience.
We will be packing orders Monday the 30th If you have emailed or submitted your order on the website by Sunday night. We will then be NOT shipping Tuesday because Wednesday everything is closed for the 1st, including us. Shipping will return again on Thursday the 2nd. You can submit your order for shipping out on Thurs for Fri arrival on Tuesday to your sales rep by closing time (6pm eastern).
Sorry its been a rough couple weeks of shipping and short schedules, but the holidays falling on Wednesday really disrupts any possibility of shipping. Honestly it's even pretty risky to pack Monday for Tuesday arrival because if UPS delays your shipment, you won't get the fish until Thursday. This is why we've been begging everyone to get large stock-up orders the week before Christmas. Next year will be just as bad, because they fall on a Thursday, meaning we'll be able to ship out Monday and Tuesday, but no shipping Wednesday. Please keep this in mind going into next year, and I would highly recommend skipping ordering that week and getting a double-sized order the week before to stock up for the holidays.
This email is going to be a little awkward to give a ton of info on the "what you should be ordering" front, since we're writing this a week and a half before the next orders will be packing, but at least since we know nothing is changing next week so the fish that look good now should still be the same ones that are best when the time comes for orders to pack.
I honestly thought the plan was to have nothing new arrive this week, because they didn't want stuff sitting for the holidays, but we did actually get some new fish in here that will be added to the stock list!
The new Swordtails are phenomenal. Florida Bred Velvet Wag swords are considerably nicer than the far-east imports. Super deep red true velvet color. We also got Painted and Marigold swords from a local supplier as well that are equally fantastic. You can't go wrong with any of those.
Peacock gudgeons are back after over a year of being out of stock. These have been a staple for years, and it's nice to have them back. it's hard to find a more colorful bottom-dweller than these, they really deserve the "peacock" name.
Threadfin rainbows have been out of stock from the Florida rainbowfish breeder for many months now, so we finally broke down and brought in some far-east imports. They're surprisingly nice! Almost as big as the local ones we always used to have, and look like they're pretty close to a 50/50 sex ratio.
On the cichlid front we did get in some local medium sized electric blue Carpintis cichlids, as well as some large sides electric blue acaras, so if you need big bright fish we'll have you covered when we open back up. Also, don't want to jynx it, but we're working on trying to pick up a massive personal collection of F1 and wild caught Central American fish of all sizes from 2 inch up to 10 inch breeders. All kinds of super rare and sought-after cichlids. If those come in, rest assured we'll have tons of pictures/video on them shortly after they arrive.
We also have a new cory cat! Venezuelan Orange Cory cats. They look pretty sweet! Sort of like Equis, but obviously not as nice as Equis. The price is great for them, much less than Venezuelan Black Cory.
We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Try to find some time out of the store with your families to relax and take a much deserved break from customers bringing you dead fish and saying "my parameters are perfect" without a water sample demanding a refund.
Give your rep a call if you have any questions!
Please support these groups: Pet Advocacy Network Aquatic Fund USARK USARK-FL |
Cichlids! |
Plecos and bottomfeeders |
Deepwater Creek Rainbows are coming in better and better, they must like the cooler weather. Recommend calling them "flametail" rainbows or somethign like that to get them to sell faster. People like cool names. |
Boesemani Rainbows are coming in very nice right now too, with males having adult coloration. |
Actual velvet swordtails are back from a local Florida breeder! This is the best looking velvet sword in the hobby, the far-east breeders haven't figured out how to keep this rich red coloration in the fish for some reason. Grab these before we run out and have to switch back to imports. |
Assorted Florida bred swordtails are a great mix with some tuxedo types, marigolds, and more. |
Black swordtails are a very interesting strain that just came back in recently. These are usually quite popular, The swords are a nice yellowish color, which looks really cool in contrast with the jet black bodies. |
Rummynose Tetras got restocked first time in a couple weeks, and came in looking great. Hopefully they're still holding up after the Christmas Break, but they have nice red faces and came in good size, so I'm hopeful. |
Gold Pristella tetras are back! Still no normal pristellas, but the golds look better anyway. These make a great cheap community option. |
If you want Koi angels, go with the "select" size right now. They're almost as big as the mediums, and the smaller ones tend to ship a little bit better anyway. |
Central/South American Cichlids
Medium size EB Carpintis are always one of my favorite centrals. The color on these is top-notch. Only downside to this fish is they can be pretty aggressive towards other cichlids. They do fine with large tetras like silver dollars though. |
Medium Balzani Geophagus came in super nice. The yellow color is really coming through on them, and they should start getting humps on the heads of the males pretty soon. |
Medium Green Terrors are back in stock! This is probably the best value fish on the list, and they probably won't last long. We got in 50, |
Green Terror regulars are showing some color already, so if you can't get any of the mediums, the regulars aren't too bad. |
Electric blue jacks look just as great as always, if you don't carry these, you definitely should. |
Large OB Marmolade cats are the best looking Mbuna by a pretty large margin. Definitely worth the price, these should be $35ish dollars retail easily. |
Medium sized Rusty cichlids are in stock and showing a ton of nice blue color in the body. Fins are a rusty color, which is where the name comes from. |
Albino Zebra mbuna are regular size so super good value. Look how big this guy is! |
Fancy medium mbunas have a lot of nice little gems in the mix, like this guy here! |
Red Empress regulars are also way oversized. Starting to show colors. |
Imported juiced up sunshine peacocks are a decent choice if you want a regular sized peacock. |
Frontosas are back in stock. Everyone always asks "what kind of Frotosa are they?" The answer is: Asian ones. There's not a location name attached to these, it's been lost 50 generations ago. |
Rock Kribensis have tons of color even at a regular size. These are not a kribensis, it's just a common name. They're a Victorian hap. |
Brown Ghost knives came in really nice, about 5-6 inches. |
Hifin green cory cats are a nice step up from standard green cory cats. |
Large panda garra are the best possible algae eating fish you can buy. |
Peacock Gudgeons are back! it's been over a year since i've seen these, and they were always on of the best selling fish in the MISC section of the stock list. Welcome back, little buddy. |
Leopard Ctenopoma came in larger than normal. Still small enough that they're not going to be eating their tankmates yet, so that's a big plus. |
Red Hook LG are super nice, all have lots of red in the fins. |
Don't forget about the crabs! Fiddlers might not be around anymore, but the red claw crabs are still almost always available. |
One big Spectabilis hanging out here still. His coloration is absolutely perfect. Let your rep know if you want him, the price isn't actually very high. |
One big green Umbee cichlid left! These are one of the craziest and biggest cichlids you can get. Truly tankbusters that will be terrors to their tankmates, but some people really love that. You definitely have someone that will come into your store wanting "the meanest fish you got" at some point. |
OB Red Empress, have one big guy left. He's been by himself for a couple months now, so he's fully colored up and dominant. |