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    Newsletter 10-04-24

    Sunday, October 6, 2024


    Got in a ton of new Florida raised cichlids this week including this outstanding Sunshine Peacock.
    Current customers can order here at Nautilus Wholesale
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    News & New Items
    Hey Everyone,

    Exciting week for incoming!  We got approval to try a new cichlid supplier so we tried a decent variety of fish from him to see what things are like....and we're very impressed.  We have 4 or 5 species of Large-sized males as well as some regular sized 2ish inchers for those of you that prefer to get smaller fish.  We also have a new Tangankyikan we've never had before!  Lots of excellent stuff going on in the Cichlid section, so don't miss those pics down below.  

    We also received a limited number of 4 inch Managuense and Green Terrors, which will likely sell out in a hurry, so get your orders in quick if you've been waiting on larger CA Cichlids.

    We also got in a few new fish from the far-east in the form of a super fancy platy, some more tiger datnoids (on the list this time), and blue neon gobies!  Florida bred Tiger Barbs are still monster-sized, and black skirt tetras joined them this week. 

    Give your rep a call if you have any questions! 


    Please support these groups:
    Pet Advocacy Network Aquatic Fund 
    Tetras & Characins
    Blue Kerri Tetra are a solid batch.  This is one of my favorite tetras that we import regularly.  the purple and blue color is unmatched in freshwater among natural fish.
    Bloodfin tetras are running big again and are always a crowd favorite.  They can be a little nippy, like a tiger barb, so they're not the best peaceful community tetra, but work great in a semi-aggressive community. 
    Blackskirt Tetra are freakishly large.  Go withe the short fin over the longfin this week, only the short fins are this big. 
    Candy Cane Tetra are always one of the most popular tetras when they're in stock.  Unfortunately, they're not in stock all the time so get them while you can. In 3 months when nobody has been able to buy any for a couple months at that point we will get asked for them 10 times a week.  Buy 100 now and don't worry about it.  
    Regular Von Rio are actually nicer than the Orange Von Rio for a change.  The red color on the back of the body stands out a lot better underwater in the tank, but even in the net here you can see they're looking very nice. 
    X-Ray Tetra are a really cool variation of Pristella Tetra that have see-thorugh bodies.  They're running pretty large right now too, so they're easy to see the details on at the moment.  If you want an inexpensive oddball community fish, this might be a good option for you this week. 
    Barbs & Other Cyprinids
    Large Tiger Barbs are still coming in absolutely gigantic.  If you're not ordering these, why not?  Your customers want big versions of the common stuff.
    Platinum Green Tiger Barbs are not as big as the normal large tigers, but they're fantastic looking and still good size.  Much nicer than the normal "green tiger barb" that's also on the list.  The platinum variety has a much brighter coloration. 
    Veiltail Cherry Barbs are the biggest I've seen.  Another fantastic fish every store should be ordering right now.  Even if you have some cherry barbs in stock, if yours aren't fully grown, you should order more to add to your tank.
    Snakeskin barbs are an often-overlooked barb species since they're not one of the super popular ones, but they're honestly one of the best choices for most customers.  They're less nippy than tiger barbs while kind of having the same look to them,
    Brilliant Rasbora are an option for cheap community schooling fish that get overlooked a lot.  The super bright gold line down the middle of the body and the bright red tail look great in a big group, and the price is low enough it's not tough to get a good sized group going.  
    Choprai, AKA Glowlight Danio.  Google these to see what they look like when they settle in and you'll quickly realize this is possibly one of the best community fish available.  They can work as a nano fish or in a larger tank with other fish that won't bother them.  
    Longfin Zebra Danio are running big and looking great.  Normal fin versions are still unavailable, but longfin was always better anyway and worth the extra price.
    Asst Endlers are mostly green cobra types, but they look very good.  If you're looking for a really nice mix of endlers, I'd recommend instead probably getting a few of each type on the list.  
    New platy we haven't seen in a while!  Neon Coral Highfin.  Sort of like a dawn platy but with more intense red and a tall dorsal fin.  Very cool.
    Redtail Black Variatus look great with super intensely colored males.  I think most stores forget about variatus and just order platies, but the variatus are some of the better looking options.
    Green Sailfin Molly are new this week (along with black sailfins also).  Green is pretty close to a wild molly coloration, but maybe with a little more orange color in the chest and fins.  Lots of males in this batch.  
    Kohaku "Koi" Swordtails are running bigger than usual.  In normal fashion though, not many males with swords.  I'm not sure if it's something genetically linked to this color morph or what, but its very rare for us to have more than 2 or 3 males in a tank of 50+ fish.  So don't expect more than at most 1 male out of a bag of 12 if you order.  Honestly, it's perfect for anyone wanting to breed want way more females than males. 
    New World Cichlids
    4 Inch Green Terrors are back in, and will probably be sold out by about 10AM Monday morning haha.  Seriously, these sell out nearly instantly every time we get them, and that's with us restricting stores to only getting 3 or 4 at most per store....if we didn't restrict the quantity we would be sold out as soon as that first person emails us saying they'll take 25.  And yes, that does happen every time.  
    We got an apistogramma back in stock!  It's been a few months, but Agassizzi are in, and they look better than average. Great size and good color. Over half males but they are mixed sex. We can't guarantee pairs, but if you order 12 you're definitely getting both sexes.  
    The Florida breeder of Blue Rams is still out of stock, so we've been importing them lately.  We are supposed to get a small restock of normal rams this week, but for the time being we do still have plenty of balloon rams.  
    Red Pigeonblood are the best looking Discus here.  
    Blue Diamonds are restocked at the 1.5-2 inch size. It's been a little bit since we've had this color variety though so they'll probably fly out pretty quick.
    4 Inch Geo Brasiliensis are here and looking super bright! Keep in mind this is one of the more aggressive Geophagus when they get big, and they do get quite large especially compared to Red Heads or Heckelli.
    Regular Flowerhorns are an exceptionally nice batch again this week. And while they're small like this there are no issues keeping them together.  These are Asian imports, not Florida-bred, so have much higher quality.
    Dovii are restocked at a size above regular for the first time in a while.  These will be true tankbusters one day, and mean as sin, but I promise you've got customers that for whatever weird reason actually WANT their fish to be like that.
    Medium Umbee cichlids are more like Large Umbee cichlids they've been here so long.  0% chance these will die in your store or are sick, they've been here probably 6 months.  
    Old World Cichlids
    Regal Peacocks might be the most intense natural blue i've ever seen in a freshwater fish.  These guys look photoshopped when you're holding them in your hand.  Size is great too, 5"+.  
    Assorted Medium Peacocks are restocked finally, and they're not all just peacocks.  Have a few hybrid haps in there that I couldn't tell you exactly what they are if you had a gun to my head, but I can say definitively that they're gorgeous. 
    Copadichromis Quadrimaculatus.  I think it's the first time we've had these, and I'm super impressed. These are HUGE and fully colored.  They're cousins to a Borleyi Redfin, but I absolutely love the bright yellow in the bottom of the anal fin that the Borleyi lack.  Great pick up from our new cichlid supplier. 
    Tangerine Tiger Haps also came in from the new supplier at the Large size, and they will probably be the one that sells out first.  The name alone makes this a super popular fish, I guess it sounds really cool to say out loud in the shop or something.  Color is awesome, yellow body with bright blue faces. They will also probably show some vertical bars (where they get the tiger part of the name) when they settle in and aren't stressed out in a bare bottom 40 gallon tank in our building. 
    Assorted Large Hap.  This is a different supplier's fish from the previous several, and one we've had many times in the past.  Lots of cool hybrids in here.  These are significantly smaller than the Quads, Tigers, and the new peacocks, so be aware of that.  That's why they're cheaper.  
    We got several species of Florida bred natural color peacocks in at the regular size too, including these Sulferheads.  Some of the males are already coloring up, even though they're only about 2 inches.   We also got Eureka Reds and Maulana Bicolors.  All look pretty much the same right now until they start to color up.  Mixed sex, but we can't guarantee any specific ratio of sexes.  
    Buccochromis Nototaenia are one of my favorite African Cichlids.  They have a unique body shape and great color as adult males.  
    Dimidiochromis Strigatus is a species we haven't had in a while.  These are a lot less common than the similar Hap Compressiceps, and a lot better looking as adults.  
    Zebra Obliquidens may be a common Victorian hap that we usually have in stock, but there's no denying the color on these makes them an outstanding looking fish.
    Catfish and Loaches
    Venezuelan Black Cory came in at a larger size than we've ever had or seen before.  Super super impressive.  Would make a great breeding group for someone.
    Gold Nugget "Iriri" are still in stock, and i'm not sure why the standard Gold Nugget sold out first.  The iriri are better looking with more gold color, and were only about $1 more.   Get them while you can, we won't have them forever.  
    Large albino bushynose came in with some absolutely massive individuals this time.  Males get twice the size of females, so the big ones are all males with nice impressive mustaches.  
    L14 Goldie plecos still available from Brazil as well.  This is the perfect size to buy them.  They've been here for I think 3 weeks now, so they're acclimated to hard water with high PH (above 9 right now).  Don't put them straight into RO water.
    Still have a small handful of the Mango Plecos left, and they've settled in very nicely.  They got a lot more yellow after the first couple weeks here.  
    Leopard Cactus pleco are still available as well, the last of the Brazilian plecos.  These get absolutely huge, but grow very, very slow in an aquarium so it's probably not a real problem to consider with them.  They'll look way cooler once they get about 1 or 2 inches bigger.  
    Medium Royal Pleco are awesome looking.  I love when they have the dorsal fin rays that splits in two and the lime green coloration on the body.  These are the best value pleco on the farm right now.  Also, our supplier just sends us whatever "royal type" plecos they catch, so these might be some other L number and be something super valuable.  If they are, the price is the price, take advantage of us.  
    Lemon Blue Eye bushynose are still coming in great size and color.  These are actually not on the stocklist, we missed them when doing the update, but we do have them.  Price is same as last week's list.  
    Tiger Botias can be fairly aggressive towards other bottom-dwelling scavengers, but the solution is just to not mix  them with other cories or loaches.  They're one of the best looking scavengers in the hobby.  
    Other Fish & Stuff
    Scarlet Badis are on sale this week!  99% male, so they're all colorful.  
    Kamaka Rainbow Medium still look fantastic and are consistently one of the best rainbows here.  Look closely at the scales on the top half of the body, it's like a reflection of a beautiful bronze color.  Pairs very well with the blue above it, super cool looking fish.  
    Bumblebee Gobies are in stock!  I just had someone asking me if we ever get these last week.  If that was you, now's your chance!  They won't stay in stock more than a week or two at the very most.  They're super cheap, and sell out quick.  
    Blue Neon Gobies are in stock for the first time in years.  These are the Blue Stiphodon Goby that gets super bright solid blue.  You can already see it in their face and they've only been here for a day, so they'll probably look a lot nicer by next week.  They're also great algae eaters!  
    Indo Tiger Datnoids are still in stock, surprisingly.  I thought we had a mistake with the price, seems way too low, but apparently it's correct.  Get them this week before our accounting department figures out they're actually supposed to be $35.  
    Leopard Ctenapoma AKA African Leaf Fish used to be a super popular oddball fish but I think Petsmart dropped them a while back.  They get about 4 inches and will eat small tankmates like neons or guppies but otherwise are peaceful.  
    Red Crystal Shrimp are back in stock.  Looks like a nice average batch.  Not going to win you any shrimp competitions, but your customers buying them from you will find them to be exactly what they're expecting.  
    Red Cherry Shrimp have a pretty wide range of color this batch.  The brightest red ones are pretty nice, but there are a few darker less flashy individuals in there too.  
    Saltwater Corals
    The Saltwater stock-list gets sent out on MONDAY afternoon.

    In saltwater, we offer tons of top-of-the-line corals.  If you need really nice frags to sell for $10-15, we've got you covered.  If you want a $400 show piece unique Australian brain corals, we've got that too.  Tons of the coral frags are aquacultured in-house and are named lineage pieces of various SPS and LPS.  Import frags that are MADE in-house are also available, and are great options to get slightly bigger pieces that customers want like torches, hammers, blastos, acans, zoas, etc.
    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296
    813.315.0116 fax
    Nautilus Online Ordering

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