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    Newsletter 1-27-25

    Tuesday, January 28, 2025


    Marlboro Discus
    Hey folks,

    I don't have much more to update you on this morning that I didn't already type on Friday, so I'm going to copy-paste that into this section.  Also, you should be looking at the Friday email primarily when you order, because we put way, way more pictures on there, with substantial information about the fish.  

    Got a lot of really nice medium/high end  bread and butter stuff in this week like blue kerri tetras and black phantom tetras.   XL swordtails are back and always popular.  Kissing gouramis and paradise gouramis are running bigger than normal.

    We also have TONS of phenomenal African cichlids at the medium size.  All florida bred males and in full stunning color.  

    Chinese new year is going to screw up incoming shipments for us to restock from Asia next week (even countries other than China celebrate Chinese New Year, and they basically shut their country down for a few days) so we do unfortunately expect to run out of things like mollies, platies, guppies, goldfish later in the week without a midweek restock.  Order early for best fill rate! 

    Give us a call if you have any questions!

    Blue Diamond
    Snakeskin Discus
    Chailosi Elonagtus medium size are basically larges, super nice full grown fish with great color
    Large mixed color male haps have a ton of variety.  Lots of probable hybrids, but they look great so nobody will care they're not pure taiwan reefs or red empresses.  
    Large brichardi cichlids.  Tank raised from a local source, these should be virtually bulletproof for you.  Makes a beautiful display colony for a home breeder. 
    Still have a couple of the Lentenginosus (spelled that wrong, i'm sure) left at both sizes.  Big males are about $30, and the smaller females are about $20.  
    Chili oscars colored up great as always, much better looking than an albino red oscar. 
    Imported German Blue Rams are back, hopefully the local breeder gets back into these soon because importing has been really hit or miss on the rams the last few months.  
    Colombian Tetra.  Possible world record sized fish available at normal price this week.  
    Reptile & Amphibian Highlights
    Reptiles finally got updated after 2 weeks of being unable to ship reptiles.  The buyer understandably didn't go crazy getting stuff back in stock since he couldn't sell anything for a while there, but did get a few new spiders back in as well as a wild caught veiled chameleon delivery being lined up for later this week.  

    Please join USARK-Florida, even if you're not a Florida resident or business. Membership is free and you can sign up here: USARK-FL Membership.
    Curlyhair Tarantula are back in stock.  Always one of the most popular tarantulas due to their interesting looks and generally more relaxed attitude which makes them fairly good for handling.  
    Contact Your Sales Rep

    Destiny ext 299
    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296

    Karen ext 218

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    Nautilus Wholesale · PO Box 1656 · Plant City, FL 33564 · USA

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