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    Newsletter 1-13-25

    Tuesday, January 14, 2025


    Wild Sunset Apistogramma-this is one of several males in the mix. They're not all this big but there's a good number of them in there.
    Hey folks,

    Hope everyone is staying and hopefully your area hasn't been too terribly impacted by the cold front that came though last week. Know it made for a lot shipping challenges in various parts of the country but hopefully that improves this week. Didn't get a ton of new stuff in over the weekend but since we got in so much last week we weren't able to fit all of it in last week's email so there's still plenty to talk about. If you didn't get a chance to read last Friday's email please go back and do so. Ton of new stuff and lots of great pics.

    We'll start with what got left off from the Indo shipment. Got in two different species of Polypterus aka Bichirs, Delhezi & Ornatipinnis. Delhezi we get in farily regularly but this is a nice group with solid patterning. The Ornatipinnis however have been coming in with far less frequency. These are arguably the most atrractve of the genus and always sought after. We got restocked on Black Hinomaru Shrimp for the first time in quite a while. Doesn't have quite the contrast that the crystal variants do but as most of you know it's almost impossible to keep just about any type of shrimp in stock those won't last long. And last but definitely not least we got in another batch of the Papua Blueberry snails. These have been insanely popular and if you're not familiar with them look them up on Google, they are incredible looking despite the brown shell. 

    In addition to Indo we received a shipment from Peru for the first time in months. We put in quite a few pics on Friday but we added a couple we just didn't have room for including the small Adonis Plecos. They're adorable at this size and are very striking with jet black bodies covered with bright white opal spots. We also got in a large size as well which are super impressive. Can't go wrong with either one. Also got a better pic of the Festivums as they were a bit stressed when they arrived last week. Once a super common cichlid these have become far less available as imports however they are considerably nicer in appearance compared to their commercially produced counterparts. And even though we mentioned them along with a pic on Friday I cannot express enough at how nice the Splash Tetras are. Held up great over the weekend and I'll say this again, these are by far the nicest I've ever seen.

    Got restocked on some more of the far east Discus but still have quite a few from last week since quite a few stores were unable to order due to the weather. Just about every variety looks great and there really isn't a bad one in house. I may have missed them last week as I don't remember grabbing a pic of them on Friday but got in a real nice batch of Cobalts in addition to everything else. The assorted continue to come in with a nice mix of different strains as well.

    And lastly for those of you that did read the Friday email and have expressed interest in some of the rare Central American cichlids we obtained last week please get with your rep for up to date availability as we have already sold out on some items and others are starting to run very low. We hope to bring in more items like these as they become available since they proved to be very popular.

    Give us a call if you have any questions!

    Cobalt Discus-missed these in last week's walk thru. Really neat strain that only gets better with age.
    Balloon Red Eyes came in really nice.  Bigger than the normal red eyes at the moment.  
    Figure 8 Puffers restocked yesterday.  Really, while we have Assullus in stock, nobody should be buying these, since Assullus are both pure freshwater as well as not nearly as aggressive. 
    Another fish we forgot a photo of on Friday, the regular sized Adonis plecos!  They're about the size of an Oto cat,  Much smaller than the large size,  
    Redtail cats are small, but should be big enough to eat live ghost shrimp as well as pretty much any other chunks of meat that fall to the bottom of their tank at night.  Keep them well fed, they get skinny quick at this size, but they'll be 6 inches long in a month if you feed them correctly.  
    Ornate Bichir are in stock for the first time in about a year I think!  These used to be pretty common, and have always been the most popular bichir.  they're really cool looking and don't break the bank so they're perfect for the "monster fish" crowd.  
    Delhizi bichir restocked, same size as the last 50 batches.  This is one of those fish that almost feels like it comes off an assembly line, always identical every time.  
    Got a better pic of the wild Festivum that came in from Peru last week. Now that they've had a chance to settle in they're really starting to show they're color and pattern. These usually turn out to be nicer looking than a lot of the captive strains that have lost their intensity after years of breeding without refreshing the bloodlines.
    Black Hinomaru Shrimp.  As you can see, not very black.  But they're cheap. 
    Reptile & Amphibian Highlights
    Reptile availability a little low this week to weather restraints. Should have more on the list for next week.

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