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    Newsletter 1-10-25

    Friday, January 10, 2025


    Wild Discus are back!  From Peru this time, it's been probably 2 years since we've had any so we're very excited to be able to offer these again.  price is actually pretty reasonable on  these too, and wild discus are MUCH, MUCH hardier than the tank raised discus you normally see.  Only 8 available, so limit 2 per store.  
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    News & New Items
    Hey Everyone,

    Super, super exciting week of incoming here.  This might be the easiest email I've ever created, there's so much to talk about that I barely had to try.

    The most exciting part of the new fish for the week are the ones I teased on Monday's email:  the collection of rare Central American cichlids we bought off Dan Sharifi (of Cichlids of the Americas fame).  Prices (and order limits per store) have their own page on the stock list after the specials page.  Sorry about the limits we have to apply, but I promise you it's for the best.  Without limits, we have one store that would have likely bought 90% of the fish already and that means you get zero fish.  Better to let people get 1 or 2 of each fish than have to tell you all everything sold out already, right?  Anyway, these are breeding groups he personally imported years ago and has been producing fish for sale to the world from this whole time.  Unfortunately, Dan's getting out of the breeding game for the most part so this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for any of you that are into extremely rare fish or large fish.  I'm not going to say much more here, since I wrote so much about each fish in their caption below the pictures.

    We got our normal weekly Colombia restock of the same stuff as always, but we also got an entire additional shipment from Peru at the same time!  Wild angelfish, Discus, and Festivums are probably the most popular fish that are on this shipment.  Tons of super cool oddball stuff as well, like SA black and gold lungfish, wild sunset apistos, splash tetras, freshwater flounders, and much much more. 

    Indonesia also got loaded up with some really cool stuff we haven't had in a little while and we got all of it at once here so that adds to the excitement.  Some more specialty angelfish that everyone loved last time (greens!), tank raised apistogrammas, Red-tailed goodeids, great color fire eels, and a lot more.  

    Give your rep a call if you have any questions! 


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    Highlights Video
    New from Indonesia
    Black Green Avatar Angelfish sold out in about a day last time they came in, and this batch looks just as nice.  Should be the perfect angels for anyone that wants to mess around with breeding something cooler than the normal old Kois and Silvers and Marbles.  
    Bulgarian Green Seal Point Angels are also restocked, and this is the best looking batch I've ever seen here.  Super consistent, all have the nice dark fins and greenish body, and the size is perfect.
    Super rare cory alert!  Barbatus Cory are in stock and tank raised from Indo!  Look up pics of these on Google, they get bigger than most cory cats, and have a SUPER cool shape and color as adults.  Very sought-after fish we can't get often so don't sleep on them.  We got a good number, but there's going to be some cory enthusiast out there that's reading this email that calls us Monday and says they want 50, I guarantee it.  
    Orange Flash Apistos are back to populate the Apisto section of the stock list for the first time in a while.  Not very big yet, but they're cheap and tank raised.  Totally worth the price.
    We managed to get the world's worst photo of the Redtail Goodeids, and it's too late for me to fix it.  Google them, it's an awesome fish.  Critically endangered in native Mexico, it's a livebearer being kept around by the aquarium hobby.  Like a platy, but better in literally every way.  More color on males, and they get almost 3 inches.  
    Uaru are back, and pissed off for their photo session.  Should be more brown instead of black once they settle in.  This is the size for what is on the stock list, all are within 1 millionth of a centimeter of each other in size.  
    5-6 inch Fire Eels came in oversized, more like 6-8 inch.
    Blind Cave Tetras came in massive.  Nows your time to grab some if you don't normally stock them, you'll sell them easily at this nice size.  
    New from Peru
    Oil Cats are in!  Super neat little dwarf wood catfish.  Do great in a small colony together, and they like high flow and oxygen content.  
    Splash Tetras!  One of the coolest little fish from Peru, but are actually a really good size for a tetra.  The males are a solid inch and a half and full color, females are a little smaller.  
    Peruvian Altum Angels are back, a staple of Peru orders for us that we get every time.  Really great fins on these and make a great display fish.  Wild angels act completely different from tank raised angels. 
    Large Adonis plecos are perfect!  Huge streamers on the tails.  The small size is much, much smaller, so if you want impressive fish for sale, buy the larges.   
    Zebra otos!  They're a little bigger than normal oto's, and typically hold up much better, which is a good thing considering their higher price.  They definitely look cooler too though.  They're very stressed for our photo. 
    Wild Sunset Apistogramma are back!  This is the best looking wild apisto we usually get, and this batch is no exception.  The males are fully colored and good size.  Females aren't brown either, they have nice yellow coloration just no red.  
    This what the group of Sunset Apistos looks like. They're not all big males but there are plenty mixed in there.
    Red Eye Pleco.  I personally don't love them, but they always sell out fast.  Must be a lot of people trying to captive breed them or something.  
    Bleeding Heart Tetras restocked.  This is the "staple fish" from Peru that justifies the order, so we got tons of these.  Great size.  Bon Jovi approved.  
    Wild caught Festivum cichlids are always super popular so we get more any chance we get.  School great with Angelfish in the wild, and make good tankmates.
    Wild true freshwater flounders from Peru are incredible! This is the first time they've come in at a reasonable size like this.  usually they're much bigger so the freight is insane on them and that makes the price be pretty high.  This batch is about 2-3 inches, so still big enough to easily feed them, and price should be a fraction of normal.  
    Geophagus Jurupari are back in stock finally!  Not much color yet at this size, but they're quite cheap. 
    Asellus aka Amazon Puffer is a true freshwater species and does not require any salt. This is a mid sized species and while they aren't necessarily aggressive hungry individuals make take a chunk out of an unsuspecting tank ate so keep them well fed with plenty of frozen foods. We finally have a decent number of these coming in so they should last longer than a day unlike last time whn they sold out in less than an hour.
    Rare Central/South American Cichlids
    Nosferatu Bartoni LG (these are all males).  Extremely, extremely rare fish.  This was a bucket list fish for me for the last decade, I personally bought a pair of these to try and keep this line going.  
    Bartoni Medium.  These are mostly female, a few males mixed in at this size.  You can see in this pic, this one is single and ready to mingle, so to speak!   They get a beautiful solid white stripe along their back when they're ready to breed.  
    Cribroheros Alfari cichlids are about 6-7 inches and full color.  I think this is as big as they get since these are wild caught fish Dan brought back himself years ago and has been keeping the colony in about a 800 gallon tank, so I doubt they'll get any bigger.  Makes them a perfect rare central American cichlid for someone with a 75 gallon tank that wants to be in the cool kids club.  
    Heterospilus "Obscura".  One of my favorite looking cichlids from the Americas.  The black overlay with almost gold coloration on the undersize of the scales is a sight to see.  Unfortunately, we only got one proven pair of these in and we already have a buyer for them (Myself, haha).  I'm including them in the email here in case I change my mind.  But I probably won't. 
    Bifasciatus Rio Chacamax.  One of the best looking fish in the genus.  Personally, I love this fish.  They're not a fish you've ever been asked for in your store, it's true, but thats only becuse your customers literally don't know they exist.  If you use that logic of not being asked for them before to inform your decision on buying them or not, you're simply missing out on a top tier fish any cichlid enthusiast will love to have. 
    Here's the parents of the Rio Chacamax I took last year at the breeder's facility.  WE DO NOT HAVE THESE, just a picture so you know how stunning this fish will be in another 6 months of growth.  
    Breeder Gold Jaguars.  This is your only chance for the rest of your life to be able to buy this fish at this size.  Don't think about it, put your order in Monday if you want a chance at getting any, they're going to be gone immediately even though it's the priciest fish on the list right now.  Here's a link to a youtube video from the breeder himself, the fish you see in the video are the ones we have for sale now. 

    The Gold Jaguar: a species profile on Parachromis managuensis with Cichlids of the Americas
    Medium gold jags available as well for a lower price.  If you're buying a jumbo for display, you NEED to be buying some of these size as well to sell to your customers.  I promise you everyone's going to want to buy your jumbo, and you're not going to want to sell it to them cause you'll never find another one.  
    Freckled Cichlid AKA "Lents" available at 2 sizes.  This is the LG and they're all males.  The Medium size i'm 99% sure are all females.  Don't hold me to it, but if you're looking for pairs, you'll need to order a combo of large and mediums.  
    Freckled Cichlid Medium.  Here's the size these are, for reference.  Again, 99% sure all females at this size.   So if you want breeding pairs, you can't buy only Larges.  
    Gibbiceps cichlids.  Have 3 available.  Again, super rare fish, you've never been able to buy these from a wholesaler at this size in recorded history.  
    Shameless self-plug here, this is the perfect time to remind you we still have some of the fantastic big Mayan Cichlids I  (Steven) caught for us in Miami a few weeks back.  These have awesome blue color with red in the fins, and they're about 2 or 3 inches larger than the stock list says.  While you're buying this other rare stuff, you should take one of these too.  
    Bredhori cichlids might be one of the more common ones that we've had before, but it's still always a great option to pick up.  Due to their relatively more common status, the price is a lot lower on these inch-for-inch than most of the other fish, and still turn into a stunning adult. 
    Red Tiger Moto's came in a little bigger than last batch too.  Worth the extra couple dollar price increase, these are close to 3 inches and will be turning red VERY shortly.  
    Dimerius Port Acara are still here, and still a great value for a cool fish.  They have decent color, and are much less than $10, so make a great cheaper option for someone that wants something interesting.  
    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296
    813.315.0116 fax
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