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    Newsletter 09-27-24

    Monday, September 30, 2024


    Sewellia Loaches came in remarkably nice this week!  Not all this big, but all looking fat and healthy with bright yellow color.
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    News & New Items
    Hey Everyone,

    First, thank you everyone that wished us luck for the hurricane, it seemed to have worked because at this point inland we barely even had any rain, and very little wind so the farm made it through without issue.  Unfortunately, the same can't be said for anyone living closer to the water.  A few people that work here had multiple feet of water in their homes from the storm, so that's about as bad as it gets.  It's crazy how much difference a few miles can make in your outcome with these types of storms.  

    While downtown Tampa had fish swimming up main street, you're probably more interested in fish you can purchase from us.  Luckily we should have you covered this week like usual!  We did bring in shipments last week with the storm approaching so that we wouldn't be out of stock on everything this week, and they did arrive in time:

    Guppies I think did better than usual as far as what we ran out of this week, and we have another full restock coming Sunday, so I'm pretty confident guppies of almost all types should be filled late into next week.  We also got a far-east shipment of some other cool stuff in at the same time with the very popular albino spotted hoplo catfish, some less common barbs, larger than normal bichirs, and lots of popular nano rasboras. 

    Emerald Eye and Emerald Dwarf rasboras are both in stock this week, along with Galaxy and Chili's (exclamation points, not briggitae)   The emerald eye are definitely running the largest out of the 4, but they're also probably the least popular for some reason.  The emerald dwarf are just barely big enough to start to look like the google pictures of males, but they'll be the most impressive looking after they settle into a planted tank.  We also have plenty of really nice sized Ember tetras too if you want something in the red color range for a nano tank.  

    Give your rep a call if you have any questions! 


    Please support these groups:
    Pet Advocacy Network Aquatic Fund 
    Tetras & Characins
    Black Phantoms are back to being Florida bred again, and they're one of the best tetras available.  The males have such nice dark black fins and look great as they move around.  I think most of ya'll know this is a great fish, but if you haven't stocked them in a while, give them a shot! 
    Exodon AKA "Bucktooth" Tetras are like miniature barracudas.  One of the most ferocious fish for their size, they often can't even be kept with tankmates twice their size.  They have a habit of swarming and shredding other fish, eating their scales and taking chunks out of them as they swim by.   But they make a really incredible species display, and the color they express is certainly an upside.
    Albino Silvertip Tetras are running quite large and have a ton of color.  This is a super uncommon fish to see in stores, so you can stand out by having  a nice looking cheap schooling fish your customers haven't seen before. 
    White Skirt Tetra LF are running nice and big as usual.  I know they're pretty "vanilla", but they're still probably a top 10 or top 15 seller for most stores, I would imagine.  If you want a big, peaceful, cheap fish, they're perfect. 
    Florida bred Black Neons came in supersized this week.  While not the most colorful tetra on the list, they do still look fantastic in a school together and sell well.  
    Blind Cave Tetra are on average over 1 inch so pretty decent size.  They make a super fun species to stock, customers love seeing these. 
    Barbs & Other Cyprinids
    Galaxy Rasbora are big enough to show the spots so should be easy for you to move out quick!  The males look better than females on these fish, so there's a little bit of variance 
    Emerald Eye Rasbora are the largest rasbora by far, but also the least colorful right now.  These do have a spot on the dorsal fin that you can't see because the one in the photo has it's fin laid flat, so in a small group they do look pretty good still.  
    Clown Barb are new and massive.  These get a reddish base color when they settle in, sort of like a red panda barb with with the body shape more of a tiger barb.  
    Longfin Rosy Barb males are one of the best options for barbs.  Tons of color, great size, and relatively peaceful.  
    Mixed Dumbo Guppies are a great option.  The solid black dumbos in this mix look really cool!  There are several colors in this mix that we can't sell individually.
    Sanke Calico Swordtail are a little small like usual, but have fantastic pattern and color.  This color of swordtail have a good number of males in the mix as well
    The Red Rose guppy is once we rarely ever run out of, and they're a very pretty solid red color.  If you want a red guppy, it's always a safe bet to go with these.  When you order Pigeonblood or Red Coral, or Red Cobra or some other red guppy we ran out of, we substitute with these 90% of the time.  
    XL Platy mix is practically double the size of the next largest "normal size" platy on the list.  I promise you they're worth the price increase.  Your customers WILL pay you more for a more impressive larger fish that they can't buy anywhere else.
    New World Cichlids
    Bolivian Rams are in stock, and the perfect replacement for German Blue Rams which have been short supply lately.  Bolivians actually sift mouthfuls of sand to keep it clean, so they're awesome additions to any South American realistic biotope tanks that have sand bottoms. 
    Red Stripe Severum are still here and I'm a little confused why.  These are the "Heros Labirifer" mouthbrooding severums.  They're wild caught that we brought in probably 2 months ago at this point, so they're super solid.
    Leopard Discus are awesome looking (and so are the red pigeonbloods).  When we order these leopards the breeder does call them "A Grade" and I believe it's accurate
    Red Spot Gold Severums are hands down one of the nicest fish on the farm. These are Florida raised so they're not gonna fade and only get brighter with age.
    Medium Fancy Mix Veil Angels are absolute monsters with super long fin extensions. These should definitely be labeled as large. One of the best values here.  
    Old World Cichlids
    Large Assorted Mbuna are fully grown, and looks like we've got Kennyi, Yellow labs, Auratus, Albino zebra, Soco's, and Orange Zebra in the mix.  
    Rock Kribs are probably one of the best value cichlids you can get. A lot of color for not a lot of money.  Unique among a lot of Africans in that the females are just as pretty as the males, with that brilliant black and gold coloration
    Got restocked on Red Top Hongi and they look great. Nice color with really clean bars. Fairly mild temperament for an Mbuna.  Prior to the last few weeks we haven't been able to buy these for many many months, so don't pass on them and regret it.
    Regular Yellow Labs are practically mediums. Males are already sparring and trying to court females.  Average size is close to 2.5 inches.
    Got in a fresh batch of Strawberry Peacocks and they are ripe. One of the better "juiced" Peacocks since even after their color calms down it's still a nice pink fish.
    Taiwan Reef regulars are restocked, and just like the regular red empress from a couple weeks ago, these came in way oversized.  They aren't changing color yet, but i'd imagine the males will start to color up extremely soon.  
    Catfish and Loaches
    Dojo Loaches are a really nice size again this week.  And they're incredibly friendly too!  If you put your hand in the tank they'll swarm it trying to eat your dead skin. Creepy, but fun!  
    Colombian Zebra Pleco are the better of the colombian plecos this week.  We did get restocks on snowballs also, but the zebras are both larger and cheaper than the snowballs.  These make a great pleco to offer for a medium price range.
    Albino Hoplo Catfish are back!  I absolutely love this variety.  Hoplo cats are one of the toughest fish on the planet, they're invasive in Florida, and when I go collecting down in Miami hoplos can be found in ditches of 105 degree 2 inch deep water with zero oxygen, seemingly unbothered.  if you want an attractive and hardy cleanup crew, look no further.  Hoplos are basically giant cory cats, they don't eat tankmates.
    The "2 inch" albino rainbow sharks are clearly much larger than 2 inches.  
    Other Fish & Stuff
    The larger size Zig Zag eels have some absolute monsters in here like this one pictured.  Most are closer to 4 inches.  Spiny eels are not true eels like saltwater morays, they have small mouths and eat mostly bloodworms and can be kept with most tankmates without much issue.  
    Balloon Pink Kisser are back!  You all loved them last time so we brought more in.  They're absolutely adorable The transparent tails make them look like they're just wobbly swimming heads.
    Red Tailed Barracuda.  This is the smallest one in the tub pictured.  These have been here for a few weeks now and are holding up great, eating live guppies.  
    Black Ghost Medium are in the 4-5 inch range.  Regular size for comparison is about 3 inches, making these much better value.  
    Pearl Gouramis look fantastic, and seem to be holding up well for this new batch
    New Snail Alert!   "Papua Blueberry" snail.  They're probably from Papua, but they're not blue at all, nor are they a berry, so i'm not sure where the common name comes from.  They should have been called "Papuan Trapdoor Snail" to give people a better idea of what to expect, since they basically look like a small version of a Japanese Trapdoor Snail.   They do have a nice bright orange rim to the "foot" that you can see when they're cleaning the glass, but I couldn't get a good picture of that in our scratched up acrylic holding tanks the snails are in.
    Red Crystal Shrimp are back in stock.  Looks like a nice average batch.  Not going to win you any shrimp competitions, but your customers buying them from you will find them to be exactly what they're expecting.  
    Red Cherry Shrimp have a pretty wide range of color this batch.  The brightest red ones are pretty nice, but there are a few darker less flashy individuals in there too.  
    Saltwater Corals
    The Saltwater stock-list gets sent out on MONDAY afternoon.

    In saltwater, we offer tons of top-of-the-line corals.  If you need really nice frags to sell for $10-15, we've got you covered.  If you want a $400 show piece unique Australian brain corals, we've got that too.  Tons of the coral frags are aquacultured in-house and are named lineage pieces of various SPS and LPS.  Import frags that are MADE in-house are also available, and are great options to get slightly bigger pieces that customers want like torches, hammers, blastos, acans, zoas, etc.
    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296
    813.315.0116 fax
    Nautilus Online Ordering

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