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    Newsletter 09-18-23

    Monday, September 18, 2023


    New Florida-bred mixed male peacocks (and a few haps in the mix)
    This is about an hour out of the bag.
    Hey Folks,

    Bumblebee gobies are due in today. Super popular fish that maybe shouldn't be as they're not that easy to care for. They are brackish fish, and need at least a little salt in the water to do well long term. They are obviously very small, so not a lot of other brackish fish that you can keep with them that aren't going to pick on them or just eat them. Probably sailfin mollies if you aren't picky about mixing fish from different continents. They don't always take to prepared foods, and may need to start on live or frozen foods, although you can probably get around this one if you carry Sera products as I've never seen small picky fish turn down their micropellets. Having said all that, if you set these up in a little species tank you'll have a really nice display, with active, social fish. So not a great community fish but a good fish for a desktop tank.

    Amapa red-back angels are in today as well. These are Florida-bred fish and sturdy. They are small but they're not easy to get, and I don't think I'll be able to get anymore for a long time. They are not as red as the Manacapuru angels, but they're fair bit cheaper. Of course, these are small and have no red to be seen yet, but they'll get color as they grow up.

    Also restocked with some local medium mix peacocks. They're mixed with a few Taiwan Reef steveni and some other Protomelas type, but mostly peacocks and the haps mixed in are big and bright. Other local fish include Florida flagfish (very mixy in size), big Siamese algae eaters, huge Colombian tetras, scissortail rasboras, and gold white clouds. I have new diamond tetras that are pretty small, new lemon tetras that are tiny this week, way smaller than the ones in the picture from Friday.

    A few other new import fish include spotted and figure-8 puffers, humphead glassfish, small redtail cats, EB acaras, EB jacks, and a restock of oscars in all colors. Some other new items due in include Burmese tire-track eels, green scats, black ranchus, teapot wag platies, and patriotic crowntail bettas. I'm out of fancy shrimp now, might have red crystals for pack tomorrow, and may have a few more types if you order late in the week.

    Various fish that looked good in today's walkthrough include super nice red tux platies, red tux guppies, pineapple cobra guppies, red dragon dumbo guppies, glass bloodfins, red-spot gold severums in a couple sizes, gorgeous Turkana jewels, gold pristellas, and medium black angels.

    Please give a call if you have any questions.


    Joe Hiduke
    Sales Manager
    Amapa Red-Back Angel
    Longfin Lemondrop Bushynose
    Albino Paradise
    Very mixy in size
    Florida Flagfish
    Red-tail Cats
    Turkana Jewels
    Gold White Cloud
    Red Phantom Tetra
    Leopard Discus
    Smoky Peckoltia
    Flagtail Prochilodus
    Reptile & Amphibian Highlights
    Should have a lot more available later this week with a re-stock on some hand-picked imports.

    This week's list is about the same as last week and the week before. Lots of ball python morphs, both babies and some yearlings (plus some huge normal females).

    Still have plenty of veiled chameleons in stock, always one of the best value animals on the list. But if you are getting the small babies you'll probably want to grow them up a little before you offer them to your customers, they're a little fragile at this size. 

    Chubby frogs are still in stock. If they were rare and from Madagascar or Australia they'd be expensive and everyone would want them. They are really neat and very hardy. Good sized species that isn't that shy. Probably eat out of your fingers in no time.

    Please join USARK-Florida, even if you're not a Florida resident or business. Membership is free and you can sign up here: USARK-FL Membership.
    Chubby Frogs
    Contact Your Sales Rep

    Mary ext 295
    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296

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