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    Newsletter 09-06-24

    Sunday, September 8, 2024


    Peacock Bass are back!
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    News & New Items
    Hey Everyone,

    Hope everyone got to enjoy their Labor Day. And for those of you that stayed open hope you had a very lucrative day! Lots of nice new stuff this week but the most exciting by far was the new Colombia shipment. Got restocked on most of the staple items but the most exciting item is definitely the Peacock Bass. These have not been available in months and these came in great! Fantastic size and they're nice and fat. Not cheap but these will sell out in a hurry so be sure to get with your rep early if you want some.

    Also from Colombia is a restocking on the true Altum Angels. These have been selling very well but the season is coming to a close so if haven't grabbed any yet now is the time. In addition to those two exciting items we got restocked on Royal Farlowellas, by a lot. We accidentally received way more than usual so they are already on sale so be sure to take advantage of that.

    We got restocks on plenty of far east and Florida raised fish. One of the absolute standouts are the XL Electric Blue Acara. These are about as nice as they get but numbers are extremely limited so don't build your orders around these. We did some very nice mediums as well so if the XLs sell out as quickly as I think they will that's a good substitution. Let us know if you have any questions.

    --Nautilus Sales Team

    Please support these groups:
    Pet Advocacy Network Aquatic Fund 
    Tetras & Characins
    Lots of nice Tetras this week but I have to start with the balloon types first. We got  in new batches of balloon Red Eye and Penguin. Both look fantastic and are very balloony even at a small size. These always sell very well. I know not every one is a fan of these but I've said this before, you don't have to like them in order to sell them lol.

    Most of the Florida raised Tetras are still running big but as the weather begins to cool that's going to change so now is a good time to stock up. Longfin Serpaes, both types of Black Skirts and Buenos Aires all continue to run huge. Regular Serpaes got a little smaller but still have very nice color. One of the most exciting restocks this week are the Candy Canes. These haven't been around for a while and these are the true HY511 type, not the Rosy Tetra that comes in from the far east labeled as Candy Cane.

    Got in a newish tank raised Rummynose out of Indo this week, Brilliant Head aka Platinum. We've had this variety before but it's been a while. Has a more metallic sheen to the body and of course a bright red head. These definitely stand out over the standard Rummynose and are definitely worth the extra money. 
    Balloon Penguin Tetra
    Balloon Red Eye Tetra
    Brilliant Head Rummynose Tetra
    Candy Cane Tetra
    Diamond Tetra
    Gold Blushing X-ray Tetra
    Medium Silver Dollar
    Barbs & Other Cyprinids
    Not a ton of new additions here but plenty of nice restocks.The first I have to mention are the Cherry Barbs. These continue to come in absolutely huge every week but who knows how much longer that will continue with fall right around the corner. Both the regular and the Veiltails are great size but both albino types have gotten smaller.

    Best looking barb here right now has to be the all male Longfin Rosy. Color is great and the fins are ridiculous. Green Tigers continue to get bigger each week with really nice color and large standard Tiger Barbs continue to come in oversized.

    Harlequin Rasboras are back in stock and these are some of the biggest I've seen come through here. Still have plenty of the Asian Rummynose Rasboras and the color on these is fantastic. They're already showing color in our bare bottom tanks so just imagine what they'll look like over substrate. Also retocked on Brilliant Rasboras this week. I was never a huge fan of these but they always sell well and it's a good, inexpensive fish for beginners.
    Cherry Barb
    Longfin Rosy Barb
    Green Tiger Barb
    Roseline Shark
    Asian Rummynose Rasbora
    Harlequin Rasbora
    Brilliant Rasbora
    Plenty of restocks on guppies again this week. Any of the dumbos are a pretty safe bet. But if you want to get the best fill rate let your rep sub if we run out of a particular color variety. They will always pick out something nice and it's better to go in to the weekend with tanks full of fish regardless of color type. You can't sell it if you don't have it.

    Got in a new batch of Balloon Mollies this week, very nice size and a good mix of colors. Most of the restocks on the sailfin types are very nice as well.

    Got a little low on Platies at the tail end of the week (pun intended) but we should have plenty more coming in over the weekend. Can never go wrong with any of the MM or Variatus types. Large Hifins aren't necessarily large but the fins are fantastic. Standard Reds and Green Lanterns are the two big standouts going into the weekend.

    Hoping to get restocked on Swords as well over the weekend. Both the assorted imports and Florida XLs are the best bet for now. Hopefully we'll have updates and pics of more varieties in the Monday email.

    Balloon Molly
    Red Platy
    Green Lantern Platy
    XL Assorted Sword
    Lemon guppy
    Pigeon Blood Guppy
    New World Cichlids
    Like I said up above the most exciting stuff to come in this week were from the shipment out of Colombia. I know I already mentioned them but I can't stop gushing over the Altums. I've been doing this for a long time and I can't remember ever seeing back to back to back shipments arriving in such good shape. Hopefully they'll continue to hold up.

    And as mentioned before the most exciting new fish this has to be the Peacock Bass. I can't emphasize how nice these are and despite the price point these should fly out of here since they haven't been available in forever and the size is perfect.

    Got in a new batch of Black German Rams this week and they look great. These actually have black on them instead of just looking muted like some other strains. Gold German Rams are also back in stock with fantastic color. Some are already showing orange atop the head and dorsal region. 

    Most angel varieties coming in continue to look very nice but one of the standouts this week are the medium Pandas. Good size and great contrast on these. Medium Koi and large Golds are also very nice.
    Altum Angel
    Black Ram
    EB Jack
    Jumbo EB Acara
    German Gold Ram
    Medium Panda Angel
    Peacock Bass-just in case you missed the pic up top lol.
    Medium Red Spot Gold Severum
    2.5" Assorted Singapore Discus
    4" Salvini
    Old World Cichlids
    Down to the last few Balloon Jewels so better hurry while they're still here. Also still have plenty of the regular Jewels and like we said last week size and color are great on these. One of the best value cichlids out there. Other west Africans this week include restocks on both regular and Gold Kribensis. Both are running pretty small but are always solid sellers.

    Plenty of nice Mbuna here but the medium Fancy mix is probably the best bet for color and variety. We mention these every week but the standard large Mbuna mix are absolutley huge. Mix is pretty average with varieties like Yellow Labs, Red Zebras and EB Johanni but the size and color can't be beat. Best bang for the buck. Also got restocked on regular Rustys for the first time in ages. Once again good size and color on these.

    Got in a few Tanganyikans from Indo this week. Restocked on Frontosa and Brichardi. Pretty standard but must haves for any cichlid section. I'm currently working on expanding our Tanganyikan offerings in the coming weeks so keep an eye out on the email and the list. And please let yor rep know if there's anything in particular you're looking for.

    Balloon Blood Jewel-only a few pieces left!
    2" Import Peacock
    Medium Fancy mix Mbuna
    Regular Red Empress are WAY oversized.
    M84 - OB peacock/hap hybrid
    M75-OB Peacock/Hap hybrid
    M90-OB Peacock/Hap Hybid
    Flavescent Peacock-group of 5,3 males & 2 females. Ask your sales rep for pricing.
    Catfish and Loaches
    Still a little light when it comes to Cories but should still have good number on Julii, Sterbai and Punctatus. Gold/Greens are running a bit oversized with really nice color and we just got in a new batch of Pygmies on our Colombia shipment.

    As I mentioned earlier we accidentally got overstocked on Royal Farlowellas so be sure to take advantage of the discounted price on those. That not withstanding they did come in very nice. Also on the Colombia shipment was a fresh batch of small Royal Plecos. Came in solid with nice full bellies. In addition to the we got a nice restock on wild Bushynose. Good size and came in very clean. And last but not least we still have some small Blue Phantom Plecos and those are back on sale this week.

    Not much new in the way of loaches this week but we still have quite a few Clown Loaches and some very nice Sewellias that continue to hold up very well. Expecting to restocked on Yo yos and hopefully some more Zebras seeing how those flew out of here.
    Gold/Green Cory
    Blue Phantom Pleco
    Wild Bushynose Pleco
    Pygmy Cory
    Sewellia Loach
    Royal Farlowella
    Small Royal Pleco
    Gold Nigrita Synodontis
    Other Fish & Stuff
    Got in some nice oddballs this week. My favorite has to be the Orange Chromides. This is one of the few Asian variety of Cichlids that is commercially bred in the industry. And what's interesting is the fact that the captive strain is much prettier than it's wild counterpart. Although these can be found in Brackish water in nature, this strain does just fine in straight freshwater so long as it isn't too soft.

    I say this every week but if you're looking for color and value then look no further than the rainbows section. Just about every size and every variety has been coming great. Color is outstanding and most types are still running over list size. These are great if you're looking to fill your tanks with plenty nice looking fish for not a lot of money.

    Got in a new batch of Blue Paradise this week. This an unusual strain as the areas of red are muted, but in a good way. This gives a very sharp contrast to the blue banding. We also got restocked on Red Paradise as well. Great size and color on these.

    Delhezi Bichirs are back in stock and are considerably larger than the last batch. These are probably the best value when it comes to Bichirs since they have a very nice pattern and aren't nearly as expensive as similar species such as Ornatipinnins. Regardless, just about all species of Bichirs remain very popular and you should always be stocking at least one or two varieties.

    Blue Paradise
    Deep River Rainbow
    Delhezi Bichir
    Gold Giant Gourami
    Zig Zag Eels are VERY mixy in size
    Moonlight Gourami
    Blue Tiger Parrot
    Orange Chromide
    Orange Cherry Shrimp
    Deluxe Shrimp
    Bamboo Shrimp
    Saltwater Corals
    The Saltwater stock-list gets sent out on MONDAY afternoon.

    In saltwater, we offer tons of top-of-the-line corals.  If you need really nice frags to sell for $10-15, we've got you covered.  If you want a $400 show piece unique Australian brain corals, we've got that too.  Tons of the coral frags are aquacultured in-house and are named lineage pieces of various SPS and LPS.  Import frags that are MADE in-house are also available, and are great options to get slightly bigger pieces that customers want like torches, hammers, blastos, acans, zoas, etc.
    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296
    813.315.0116 fax
    Nautilus Online Ordering

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