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    Newsletter 07-12-24

    Monday, July 15, 2024


    OB Borleyi are amazingly bright pink
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    News & New Items
    Hey Everyone,

    Lots of exciting new stuff to talk about this week which is a welcome sight after the short holiday week last week limiting the incoming a bit.  There are more than a couple new fish we haven't had in at least a year.  We also got a really nice restock on African Cichlids with some more absolutely showstopping big male haps in various types.  The OB Borleyi are the top standout, but the albino red empress are also a very sought-after strain still being relatively new to the hobby, and there's also a handful of assorted big ones for sale too (probably hybrids, but can't be sure).

    Our Asian import shipments this week had Clown Barbs, Rainbow Gobies (great size!), zebra loaches, and Black Venezuelan Cory cats on it which are all fish that haven't been here in a hot minute.  We also restocked all the staples you need like clown loaches, kuli loaches, fire eels, etc etc.

    Other Asian imports include a plethora of balloon fish!  We've got red eye and penguin balloon tetras, balloon jewel cichlids, balloon rams, and balloon tiger parrots!  Order them all and throw a party.

    Hot weather keeps us miserable, but the Florida fish love it.  This week we got even more big C.A. cichlids that you can't get enough of.  Details in that section further down the email.  

    And most importantly, we are only ONE WEEK away now from the launch of the Starfire Red ® GloFish ® Angelfish!   We are extremely excited about these, and you should be too.  Definitely the most impressive GloFish® ever released, when they're fully grown these are fish that I think even people that don't like GloFish® will want in their tanks.  That's the honest feedback we've gotten from plenty of end-consumers at the various trade shows we've displayed the angels at recently.  Make sure you tell your customers that they're not allowed to breed them on purpose, and they're illegal to sell the offspring if they do breed.  This has always been the law regarding GloFish® in the past, but not many people go out of their way to breed barbs or tetras at home so it rarely came up in the past.  

    If you have any questions, give your sales rep a call


    Please support these groups:
    Pet Advocacy Network Aquatic Fund 
    We still have a fair number of Florida bred fish that are running big thanks to summertime temperatures. Biggest of which are the longfin black skirts, there’s some in the batches that are a normal size, but most of them are very big and possibly the largest I’ve ever seen. Both regular and longfin Serpae are a good size, with the longfins having the added benefit of being on special this week. Black phantoms look good, the males are really starting to get their bigger fins and are darkening up nicely in our tanks. Orange von rios are starting to get a bit mixier in size compared to the past few weeks, but even the smallest ones outside are showing nice coloration, and the biggest ones are outstanding.

    Balloon penguins came back in, and as Joe would say they’re absolutely adorable! The regular penguins on the other hand are a much more respectable size. Ruby tetras are back in as well and these are perfect for anyone with fancy shrimp/nano tanks.

    Serpae are Fl bred and good size
    Ruby Tetra are nice bright red nano fish. Better than Chili Rasboras
    Trying to show the almost purple color of the Black Emperor Tetras
    Red Eye Balloon Tetra
    Ember Tetra
    "Adorable" Balloon Penguin Tetras
    Barbs & Other Cyprinids
    Got in both red pandas and clown barbs this week. Clowns are a good size and are holding up well here, and in the tank they’re nowhere near as washed out as they are in the picture below. Red pandas have both a good name, and if you show your customers a picture of a slightly larger and established male you’ll have no trouble selling out.
    Veiled cherry barbs are currently the best cherry barb on the farm. Running big with nice long fins and plenty of colored up males in the mix. They’re absolutely worth the price increase over the regular cherries. Gold barbs are still coming in near fully grown, and have the nice greenish hue stripe overtop the gold with the deep black speckling mixed in.
    Zebra danios are all coming in huge still thanks to the summertime heat down here (and in many other places it seems too). If you want a bit fancier of a danio this week get the pearls, they’re a running a tad smaller than the zebras, but are also a tad cheaper as well.
    Clown Barb
    Red Panda Barb
    Snakeskin Barb
    Veiltail Cherry Barb
    Giant Danio
    Not a lot in stock for swordtails this week, but we are loaded down with platies of every type.  I think every platy that we regularly get in are all in stock at the same time this week so that's great news.  The black and white Panda are really good size, probably my top pick for the week.  Blue and Candy Cane MM are both very nice too.  

    Guppies mostly sold out throughout the week, but we I expect should be getting more in again Sunday so we should be fine with them all again starting Monday for orders.  We update the stocklist with what we have on our proforma invoice from the supplier Friday, so the section should be fairly accurate. 

    A lot of large sailfin mollies are very nice right now.  The mix is great in case you just want to get a variety, but of the solid color SKUs the greens are the biggest this week.  The Gold Panda sphenops type also have great color and above average size.   Those would be my overall top pick for Mollies this week.  Dalmations are also above average size in both the normal and LT varieties.  Stay away from the mixed Lyretail though, those are a lot smaller and have a lot of pretty crappy brown ones in there.  
    Red Tux Swordtail are by far the best available sword
    Green Cobra Guppy
    Dalmation Molly Med
    Green Sailfins
    New World Cichlids
    Lots of nice big Centrals for ya'll this week!  We've been telling a few of the local producers that we will take anything and everything they can come up with for us that's got some size to it because that's what everybody wants, and this week they came up with several for us.  

    Green terrors are available in 2 larger sizes this week PLUS the mediums I believe are still flowing in.  Mediums are about 2.5 or so inches and very nice for the price.  We also got a 4 inch size (which might be slightly undersized, but they're still great and you shouldn't complain for the price) and we have a COUPLE of larger 5 inch size.  

    Nice large Jaguar (Managuenses) are also available at the 5 inch size and might be slightly oversized.  Pretty sure these are all males, in case that matters to you.  As far as larger cichlids go, I think these are one of the better looking fish, but they are also quite aggressive.  Although, honestly, after working in a store for 4 years before coming here, I think the aggressive nature is what a good chunk of your customers actually WANTS from the fish for some dumb reason or another.  

    Medium sized Convicts are super nice too, good size.  The males are obviously much larger than the females, becasue that's just how the biology of them works, but even the smaller females are a solid almost 2 inches or so.  Females all have the nice bright orange bellies and males have long streamers on the back of the dorsal.  

    Chili Red Oscars came in almost a solid inch larger than usual.  These are extremely nice looking, even better than usual.  It makes me think that these fish get even nicer the larger they get.  The price of them I always felt was justified from the color, but if they get even nicer with size that makes the cost even more justified.  

    For smaller new world cichlids, Firemouths are very nice as well as the Jacks.  Both are inexpensive and running larger than usual, and the firemouths have a TON more color than average.  
    Have a few of these 4 inch green terrors this week. Very limited 
    Red Chili Oscar came in bigger and redder than ever before!  Great batch!
    Jack Dempsey Reg are running nice size
    Medium Convicts are way nicer than the regular size
    Have a couple big Jaguar/Managuenses Cichlids
    Super nice regular sized firemouths if you want cheap fish that are also nice
    Electric Blue Ram
    Old World Cichlids
    Got in some new African cichlids from one of our local vendors. Two of the more exciting additions are the Tequila Sun Haps and the OB Borleyi. We've had these in the past but it's been several months. Yes these are hybrids but they're gorgeous fish and anyone other than die hard hobbyists will appreciate these. Another new addition we got in are the Albino Red Empress. This is a relatively new morph of a gorgeous Hap. Just starting to color now but will be stunning when the mature

    While these aren't new the medium fancy mix Mbuna continue to be one of the best assorted types on the farm. Admittedly it's not that "mixy" this week as there a lot of Yellow Top Mbamba in the mix but that's not a bad thing. This is a Labidochromis species that would have a higher asking price if they weren't in an assortment.

    Another nice but overlooked African are the Rock Kribs. This a lake Victoria native that has great color on both the males and females. These are great a great mixer since they go well both Malawi Haps and Peacocks.
    Tequila Sun Hap are semi-variable but all have nice yellow color
    LG Assorted male haps are stunning!
    Rock Krib
    Yellow Top Mbamba-part of the Fancy Mix Mbuna
    Albino Red Empress
    Catfish and Loaches
    Plenty of incoming and restocks for scavengers this week. Most exciting are the Venezuela Black Cory. This a very popular morph amongst hobbyists. This strain is bred both here and over seas. This batch came out of Indo and is holding up quite well. Not to mention the size on these is very good, they often come in tiny.
    Plenty of other nice cories as well including Skunk, Julii, Punctatus(probably the nicest cory on the farm) and some really nice sized Brochis.

    Got in Striata Botias for the first time in a while. AKA Zebra Loach, this is not only one of the most attractive species but like most other Loaches it's excellent for nuisance snail control. Also got in a batch of Banded Kuhli loach which have been inconsistent in availability as of late.

    Bit of an oddball came in this week as a substitution and that's the Granulosus Cat. A Raphael relative, looks similar to it's cousins but has a more marbled appearance. Not nearly as common it rarely makes the export lists. About as active as other Megalodorus types will mostly only come out at night if at all but an unusual and uncommon addition to your customers' collection.

    Available Plecos continue to be the standard fair with most coming out of Colombia. Well stocked on all the usual suspects including Colombia Zebra, Snowball and some very nice large Green Phantom Plecos. Hoping some availability out of Brazil some time next month so keep watching the lists.
    Venezuelan Black Cory back in stock
    Granulosis Catfish
    Striata Botia are objectively some of the best looking loaches in the world
    Snowball Pleco
    Colombian Zebra Pleco
    Other Fish & Stuff
    Rainbow Goby are in stock for the first time in recent memory, and I'm pretty excited about that.  Supply is limited (I think we only got 20 or 30 in) but the size is great, and they're not very pricey.  Basically the perfect "oddball" fish.  These are true freshwater fish that don't need salt so thrive.  They only need brackish water for their fry to survive, but they transition to full fresh from the time they're a few days old and then stay there the rest of their lives.  

    Fire eels got restocked this week and we got two different sizes so hopefully we have enough to last through the whole week. 

    Rocket gar (Hujeta) are back in stock at about 3 inches.  Perfect size little predators.  They're big enough to eat feeder guppies no problem and they'll grow fast if you keep food on them.  

    For gourami we have a lot of stuff looking solid.  Blue Paradise are nice size and great color.  Pink kissers got restocked after selling out this past week.  For the larger type gouramis go with Opalines instead of Blues, they're twice the size for the same price.  Also restocked gold honeys and sunsets for those of you that want dwarf varieties.  

    Goldfish continue to be in short supply (Thanks, China) but the 10-11CM orandas at least are an ok mix of color for a change this week instead of being all solid red.  Not much available for small ones at the moment.  

    Rainbows that look best this week include the regular Boesemani with good color on the males and the medium deepwater creeks with tons of red in the fins.  
    10CM Oranda Goldfish are a solid mix right now
    Opaline Gourami are the best looking and biggest this week
    Boesemani Rainbow Reg 
    Rainbow Goby
    Shrimp, Snails & Other Inverts
    Not a lot of changes in this section other than the addition of assassin snails getting restocked this week and zebra nerites back in stock.  Also got some new shrimp which we ordered as Amano, but they're very small so we just have them on the list as generic "algae eating shrimp" in case they're the wrong species.  Have a lot of the red cherry and bloody mary shrimp in stock, and the bloody mary are definitely the better colored of the two.  
    Ivory Mystery Snails
    Black Nerite are really big and good algae cleaners, although they must be in tanks with lids because during the day they like to crawl out of the water, only cleaning at night. 
    Saltwater Corals
    The Saltwater stock-list gets sent out on MONDAY afternoon.

    In saltwater, we offer tons of top-of-the-line corals.  If you need really nice frags to sell for $10-15, we've got you covered.  If you want a $400 show piece unique Australian brain corals, we've got that too.  Tons of the coral frags are aquacultured in-house and are named lineage pieces of various SPS and LPS.  Import frags that are MADE in-house are also available, and are great options to get slightly bigger pieces that customers want like torches, hammers, blastos, acans, zoas, etc.
    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296
    813.315.0116 fax
    Nautilus Online Ordering

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