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    Newsletter 06-26-23

    Tuesday, June 27, 2023




    Medium German Blue Ram
    Hey Folks,

    Get your orders in this week. Remember, next week is the 4th of July holiday. Our office will be closed Monday and Tuesday, and we're not able to ship Monday or Tuesday. It may not be that busy next week, but it'll be crammed into two pack days, which always creates challenges regarding getting things packed and fill rates. So if you normally go every other week, go this week instead of next. Plus there's a ton of lingering stuff on special here. Lots of stuff with a few fish tying up a lot of tanks.

    Got a lot more new fish here this week than I expected. Normal shipments from Sri Lanka, Singapore and Bangkok, but a little more variety than normal. Also have a couple neat new local fish. Amapa red-back angels are coming in for the first time. I'm going light on specialty fish inventory leading in to our holiday week but I couldn't pass up the chance to get these. They're similar to the more well known Manacapuru. It's a high-bodied wild-type with plenty of red along the back. Like other wild-type angels (excluding true altums) they are typically very hardy.

    Pink comet swords are in stock again. The comet name refers to the twin-bar pattern on the tail, and we should probably adopt this for all of our twin-bar platies and swords since comet will probably sell better. The pink comets are very pretty but they're a little small, and they are nearly 100% female. I did get nice velvets and velvet wags from Florida sources yesterday; both are deep red and pretty good size.

    Best guppies from my weekend re-stock are blue cobras, fire-tails, blue panda dumbos, turquoise blue-tails, and a new 'koi guppy' that looks like a red panda but the white is more silvery, in some of them with some black. They look a lot like red pandas from the side, but slightly different from the top. They'd make a great fish for a summertime garden tub, although they'll have to come in when nighttime temps start to drop.

    I have crowntail bettas in every color you want. I have new black orchid and snow white crowntails, plus I got a new patriotic crowntail that's in red, white and blue. Perfect for the 4th of July weekend.

    Other new fish include Florida veiltail cherry barbs, 3" clown knives, humphead glassfish, blonde blue star Endler's (Florida), very nice dwarf puffers, and candy koi plakat bettas.

    Some stuff that stood out on today's walk-through include wild oscars, Asian needle gar, medium blue rams, adolfoi cory cats, Colombian tetras, avanti yellow-tail zebras, Lake Turkana jewels, 

    And I'm still expecting black ranchus, panda telescopes, albino bichirs, bamboo shrimp, black phantom tetras, red panda barbs, and platinum parrots.

    Please give a call if you have any questions.


    Joe Hiduke
    Sales Manager
    Balloon Red Eyes
    Dwarf Puffers
    Avanti Yellowtail Zebra
    Colombian Tetras
    Running big today.
    Veil-Tail Cherry Barbs
    Pink Comet Sword
    Koi Guppies
    Uganda Fire Haps
    True Giant Gourami
    Redtail Orange Tetras
    Jaguar Duckbill Cat
    Jumbo Eupterus
    Large Panda Garra
    Reptile & Amphibian Highlights
    Got quite a few yearling ball pythons available this week. Not that baby ball pythons are particularly fragile, but this yearling size is well started and even sturdier. Pastels, yellowbellies, lessers, fires, and a couple other types available. I wouldn't describe any of these varieties as vibrant, but they're brighter than normals.

    Albino and het emoryi ratsnakes are available this week. Well started, these are 18"+. If you're not familiar with these, this is the founder species for the creamsicle corn snakes (at the time the emoryi were considered subspecies and nobody worried about crossing subspecies). These albino pure emoryi are way more orange than standard albino corns. Really neat species that would be going home with me if I had a place to quarantine right now.

    Please join USARK-Florida, even if you're not a Florida resident or business. Membership is free and you can sign up here: USARK-FL Membership.
    Russian tortoises are in stock and they make good pets.
    I have one 20"+ spur-thigh on the list. A standard single box is 17", so it's going to be really expensive to ship, and it's a terrible pet for most of your customers (or more accurately a great pet that's difficult to house).
    Baby and yearling ball pythons are in stock in a wide variety of various browns (mostly).
    Contact Your Sales Rep

    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296

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    Nautilus Wholesale · PO Box 1656 · Plant City, FL 33564 · USA

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