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    Newsletter 06-07-24

    Monday, June 10, 2024


    OB Patriotic Haps!
    aka OB Red Empress
    Current customers can order here at Nautilus Wholesale
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    News & New Items
    Hey Folks,

    Fantastic week of sales here so I guess everyone needed product after skipping last week because of the holiday. Hope it keeps up. I think some of this is how miserable and hot Florida and other southern states are right now. Kinda like how sales up north are always best in the wintertime when everyone is inside.

    Incoming this week includes a new Indo shipment, Singapore, some rare Centrals, more crazy hybrid pea/haps, and plenty of big Florida farm fish.

    If you notice a change in the tone of the email this week that's because we're tweaking how this is put together. You'll probably see more changes over the next couple of weeks. My sales manager Dave is doing a lot more and all of the sales staff is chipping in to help. So the hands you see in the pics aren't necessarily always my hands now.

    For new stuff, I'm going with a cichlid theme. Most exciting new cichlids are the turquoise Herichthys (Herichthys tepehua). By exciting I mean you can get excited watching them develop color as they grow up because they sure don't have any now. A Texas cichlid relative, but with a ton more blue when they grow up. They're a little deppi-like in appearance, with a few red freckles and blue spots connecting into bigger patches. They're not as much of jerks like deppi. Maybe 2" now, this isn't a big species, with a max size around 6". Probably need at least another inch of growth before they get color but when they do you'll be amazed.

    Got another new blue cichlid in this week that I haven't seen in a long, long time. Regular blue acaras. This fish isn't that common in the hobby either, but it used to be and you're old like me you'll appreciate seeing a nice fish that was a staple many years ago. Since the electric blue acaras popped up over a decade ago the original blue acara has fallen out of favor. It's a shame because it's a great looking fish, doesn't get huge, and isn't all that aggressive. This set is about 2", and already showing good color. About 5-6" max size. Temperament is closer to something like a severum than the big nasty Centrals. And it appeals to your customers that don't like gaudy fish like those show-off electric blues.

    If you do want gaudy I got that covered too. Even more gaudy than the EB acaras, the patriotic haps aka red empress are insanely bright. I got in another set this week that I didn't realize I ordered and I still had a decent number in stock so they're on sale this week. Great value, get them now so you have them in stock for Independence day. If you don't hate America you need to buy these fish.

    Please give a call if you have any questions.


    Joe Hiduke
    Director of Sales & Marketing

    Please support these groups:
    Pet Advocacy Network Aquatic Fund 
    Turquoise Herichthys
    Manual Blue Acaras
    Starfire Red® GloFish® Angelfish
    Available 7/21!!!
    Thanks Alex Rose for the pic
    Tetras & Other Characins
    Have a few tetras on special this week that are currently looking good including the gold pristellas, x-rays, and longfin serpaes (they look better than the short fins anyway). Also have decent Buenos Aires that are even cheaper than usual this week.
    The hot weather we’ve been having lately has been keeping some Florida fish coming in at a good size. Standouts this week include the longfin and regular black skirts with the longfins being exceptionally large and the bigger of the two, red eyes, bloodfins, H&T lights, and orange von rios.
    Far-east import fish that stood out were the embers and green fires. The green fires are big but only a few are showing red in my tanks, I guess they’re just looking for a nice home to really get fired up in. They do have pretty nice green already. Emperor tetras are small but otherwise nice. Blind cave tetras are small and blind. Hujeta rocket gar (yes, a tetra) are bigger than usual but the pic below makes them look bigger than they are.

    If you didn’t see the email last week we still have some cool “kaleidoscope” tetras, these are actually Moenkausia pretoensis and they are sort of similar to a big red eye, but are not as silver and develop a nice gold/yellow with red coloration. This is a wild fish from Colombian and not common in the trade. A few other South American imports include sailfin tetras, gold tetras, and a few green neons.
    Longfin Serpae Tetras
    Highfin Black Skirts
    Green Fire Tetra
    Rocket Gar
    Kaleidoscope Tetras
    Silver Dollars
    Gold Tetras
    Barbs & Other Cyprinids
    I have veiltail cherry barbs in stock this week. I've been getting the albino veils for a couple of months (and they're on special this week) but this is the first time I've had the non-albinos for quite a while. Good size and a very pretty strain (at least the males are).

    I have all-male longfin rosy barbs in stock finally. The mix sex ones I've been getting are heavy female and I expect them to die of old age here but the all-males are outstanding. The fins aren't fully developed but they already look great. They'll get even better fins and brighter color as they get bigger.

    Some other Florida stuff that looks good includes regular and large tiger barbs, huge giant danios, pretty good size pear danios, and big brilliant rasboras. I'm supposed to have large albino tiger barbs in here on Monday, so look for an update on the Monday email.

    Galaxy rasboras aka celestial pearl danios are some of the biggest ones I've ever seen. You can easily tell what they are without squinting. Some other far-east fish that look good include kubotai rasboras, Asian rummynose, red panda barbs, and checkerboard barbs.
    Veiltail Cherry Barbs
    Albino Veiltail Cherry Barbs
    Longfin Rosy Barb
    All-male LF rosies available this week.
    Gold Barbs
    Galaxy Rasboras
    Celestial Pearl Danios
    Platies that are looking good today with a decent average size include the MM candy canes, MM sunset, dawn, and red twin bar. The regular assorted mix has a good variety of colors and seem to be slightly larger than most of the specific strains. Sunsets look nice and bright, their orange really seems to pop. The best platy this week has to be the red tigers, some have nice deep red bands and are bigger than the other platys (save for the XL assorted, those are always big and nice).
    For mollies the mixed sailfins are very nice if you don’t mind them mostly being a mix of black and white. Assorted balloons actually have an assortment of color and are doing well. Gold sphenops are a good size, as are the creamsicle LT. Black LT sphenops are decent, and better than the regular non lyretails. Gold dust are Florida fish this week which is rarely the case.
    Hard to make a bad choice on guppies but the standouts today would be the lemons and pink tux for their size. Others that caught my attention include platinum, midnight, red dumbo, green dumbo, & red rose. Even our regular mixed males (31035) has a nice variety of strains and tend to be a bit cheaper than some of the other types.
    For swordtails we have the big, bold, and beautiful firecrackers. These would make a great addition to a peaceful community tank with other small fish. You don’t want to have any fin nippers to harm their massive dorsal fins. Pineapple swords are nice, the male’s swords really stand out, and even the smaller males have good ones. Calico sankes are small but have really good color. Check the Monday new fish list for more varieties, should have some Florida fish delivered over the weekend.
    Firecracker Sword
    Red Tiger Platies
    Green Dragon Dumbo Guppies
    Gold Dust Mollies
    Large assorted sailfins are an assortment of black, white, and black & white.
    New World Cichlids
    The one big red semi-humpy flowerhorn that I have left here had a pretty big price drop on the specials page and a bigger name change.

    Wild festivums made it onto the stocklist this week. They came in last week but we missed them on the list, so now you have a price. They've been holding up well. The wild Atabapo red pikes are looking pretty good. They'll get redder, but they won't get cheaper; on sale this week.

    We tore down the old acrylic systems in one of our holding rooms, and in the sumps beneath them that are normally completely inaccessible, we pulled up a couple nice big goodies.  A few fantastic big Mayan cichlids included.  Also have one gigantic (16 inches) Leporinus fasciatus.  Let us know if you want us to try to ship that to might not fit in a box....But anyway, the Mayans are fantastic and are a seriously underrated New World cichlid.  The color is fantastic, and they have interesting thick bars too that never fully fade away.  Males can turn solid fire engine red when they're in breeding mood, and females have color like this one pictured all the time as well.  We have a couple smaller sizes to go with these big ones that we pulled from the sump, and I'd HIGHLY recommend getting the big one for a display tank and put a crazy price on it, and then also buy the little guys that are a fraction of the price and sell them using the big one as a display of "this is what they'll turn into" while making a great margin on the little ones.  

    I think we mentioned it in the intro paragraph, but blue acaras are in for the first time in about a year.  Normally it's always EB's that you see around, but the original color strain is equally pretty in it's own way.  They sort of look like a Jack Dempsey that will max out at a much more appropriate size.  Even a 20 or 30 gallon tank would likely be fine for a fully grown acara.   Speaking of the EB acaras, do not buy the regulars on the list this week.  buy the mediums instead.  Mediums are full color, super bright blue, about 3 inches.

    Florida-bred chocolate cichlids are in stock this week. Availability is a bit sporadic on this fish so get them while you can. They're right around 2". Not sure I'd ever describe them as colorful even when they're fired up but they are a good looking fish in shades of brown, reddish brown, greenish brown, and sometimes even purplish brown. They can be pretty mean, more aggressive than most South Americans. These are Florida-bred so they're perfectly fine in hard basic water.
    Ruby Red Penguin Ninja Lemur Flowerhorn. Or pick any other random words for the name. Buy it and you can call it whatever you want. Except I guess not a monkey flowerhorn since that's a thing.
    Wild Colombian Festivum
    Large Red PIke
    Have exactly 2 of these "6 to 8 inch" Mayan cichlids (False Red Terror).  They're actually more like 9 to 10 inches.  Color is fantastic. 
    If you pick up one of the larger Mayans (or even if you don't) I would recommend getting some of the smaller size ones as well.  They're great color and very inexpensive.
    Have exactly one wild 8-10 inch wild-caught Florida Oscar available.  Not sure how this guy made it on the list a week without someone buying it. Last chance!
    Medium size EB Acaras are 100% worth the extra cost over the regulars this week.  Regulars are very small.
    Lemon Oscars are majority the solid yellow type like this and not the yellow striped
    The Umbi's on the list as "medium" came in more like Large.  I'd say 6-7 inches.  Look fantastic.
    Chocolate Cichlids
    Dovii 2" are more like dovii 1.5"
    Medium Fancy Mix Veil Angel
    Bolivian Ram
    Old World Cichlids
    In addition to the patriotic haps on sale this week I have the XL peacock on sale. These are a mix of OB and non-OB fish, and there are peacocks, haps, pea-haps, hap-cocks, a big mish-mash of nice size and colorful fish. Most of these are fresh from ponds so they're super bright right now. Set up at one per tank so they keep their color pretty well.

    Restocked on Florida-bred medium male peacocks as well. These are all mixy with some haps in the mix as well. All of them have good color and it's all natural. Blue dolphin moori are on sale and have lots of color, even at the regular size. Medium venustus have some color but they're not pure. Livingstoni are a bit small but look good. Redfin borleyi are smaller than usual but have nice color in the fins. Albino comps are back in stock and look great.

    The regular size assorted African mbunas are on sale this week. Very nice mix. All mbunas like it's supposed to be with lots of yellow Labs, EB johannis, and other stuff that's going to sell fast in your tanks. Some non-assorted mbunas that look good include snow white socos, acei, kennyi, BB ornatus, OB red zebras, and cobalt zebras.
    Another patriotic hap.
    Blue Dolphin Moori
    Albino Comp
    XL Asst OB & Not OB Pea/Hap/Pea-Hap
    This is the not OB part of the mix that's on special this week.
    This is the OB part of the assortment.
    Reg Assorted Africans
    On sale this week.
    Catfish and Loaches
    No South American incoming this week, so not a lot has changed in this category except I have less fish. Ran through a ton of otos but I may have a few pictus and farlowellas left. I definitely have spotted and striped raphaels, banjo cats, and four-line pims.

    Pleco selection is big bushynose, small royals, Colombian zebras and snowballs, and a couple sizes of green phantoms.

    Wild cory selection is skunk cories and pygmy cories again. I did get in some new tank-raised cories. I have albino paleatus which are super nice and usually the cheapest cory you can buy, plus tank-raised sterbai cories, and julii.

    Clown loaches came in yesterday and there's a non-zero chance I'll fill some on orders next week. Sewellia loaches are big and look fantastic. Pretty sure I still have some Borneo sucker hillstream loaches as well.
    Shovelnose Wood Cat
    Arcuatus Skunk Cory
    Panda Cory Cat
    Julii Cory
    Colombian Snowball Pleco
    F0 Colombia Bushynose
    Sewellia Hillstream Loach
    Other Fish & Stuff
    Ghost sharks are in stock for the first time in a couple months. Are they big and beautiful? No. But they're different. Picture a rainbow shark with bright red fins and then take the red away. The body has a bit of blueish sheen, and the fins are not strictly translucent, they have a white cast. Sometimes sold as white-fin blue sharks. They're a rainbow shark in every way other than color.

    Missed getting a picture of these but I have about a dozen gold-spot killis Fundulus chrysotus. This a Florida native with a pretty good amount of color. Some of them have black specking too which isn't seen in all populations. A neat specialist fish that's at least as attractive as ghost shark.

    Gold honey gouramis are small and not very gold right now. The dwarf gouramis look pretty good in all their various colors. Flroida blues, opalalines and golds are all nice size. Florida pearl gouramis are tiny, skip them. Albino paradise are Florida but small. Blue paradise are imports but have good color. Just about half the size they had been coming in.

    Large Deepwater Creek rainbows and medium yellow rainbows are the best looking rainbows right now. Kamakas and medium turquoise are nice too. Boesmanis are in stock and they'll well because people know what they are but they're not that great right now. Bigger fish in the tank have some color. Featherfins are still good size. Always a great display fish since the males never stop showing off.

    Some other odds and ends that look good include silver arowanas, spotted puffers, albino and delhezi bichirs, fire eels, zhoui gobies, lungfish, mudskippers (on sale), gold roseline sharks, and rocket gar.
    Ghost Sharks
    Black Ranchu
    Yellow Rainbow
    Deepwater Creek Firefin Rainbow
    Boesmani Rainbows
    Gold Honey Gourami
    Neon Dwarf Gourami
    Shrimp, Snails & Other Inverts
    Florida blue snails are nice size. Ivories are pretty too, just a little smaller. Albinos are nice size. Just remember the albino part is the foot, not the shell.

    Got in a bunch of assorted rabbit snails. Assorted rabbit means some rabbit snails in an assortment with snails that are similar shape to rabbit snails. Some interesting stuff in the tank but definitely not all rabbit snails.

    Red crystal shrimp are big and nice, and they got cheaper this week. Your other options for shrimp are blue, mix, or see what shows up next week.
    Blue Snails
    Albino Snails
    Deluxe mix shrimp aren't the deluxest I've seen but they're pretty nice.
    Red Crystal Shrimp
    These had a price drop this week.
    Saltwater Corals
    The Saltwater stock-list gets sent out on MONDAY afternoon.

    In saltwater, we offer tons of top-of-the-line corals.  If you need really nice frags to sell for $10-15, we've got you covered.  If you want a $400 show piece unique Australian brain corals, we've got that too.  Tons of the coral frags are aquacultured in-house and are named lineage pieces of various SPS and LPS.  Import frags that are MADE in-house are also available, and are great options to get slightly bigger pieces that customers want like torches, hammers, blastos, acans, zoas, etc.
    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296
    813.315.0116 fax
    Nautilus Online Ordering

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