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    Newsletter 05-03-24

    Monday, May 6, 2024


    Sabertooth payara are in stock from Peru this week. Also have a lot of other Peru fish in several sections below.
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    News & New Items
    Hey Folks,

    I've only been in the office two days this week, and still a little wiped out from being on the road for most of the week. Haven't seen as many fish as usual but I've seen a lot of fish this week. Might be a little lighter on pics than usual but I'll get back to normal next week.

    No new Colombian fish in this week but I got Peru in for the first time in months. Peru is always stupid brown and silver catfish and this time in no different, but I really need the pictus and otos. So I get to bring in a few cool oddballs that I like, and keep my fingers crossed that some of you like them too. I also have a few fish with color, like the red pencils.

    Coral red pencils are Nannostomus mortenthaleri, probably. I know there's been changes in taxonomy for some of the red pencils, but I'm pretty sure the fish I have didn't change names. You may have seen the Cenapa red pencils around recently. The coral pencils aren't that bright, but they're also a lot cheaper. A tank full of Cenapa red pencils is about a mortgage payment, these coral reds are more like a car payment. They aren't cheap but they are gorgeous and always in demand. Perfect fish to go in to a small planted tank. While these are characins they're not hyperactive tetras. Much more peaceful to watch.

    Getting back to stupid brown catfish, I have shovelnose woodcats in stock this week. I could have sworn I called them duckbill woodcats, but the only duckbills I have in my system are the duckbill jaguar woodcats. All of this illustrates how stupid common names can be, and how stupid it is for you or your customers to get worked up about all the dumb names that I make  up. These are Ageneiosus vittattus. Maybe. Woodcat taxonomy is even more goofy than pencilfish taxonomy and I haven't had time to dig into it very much. I got a picture below, you can give it your best guess. I'm pretty sure this one of the mid-sized Ageneiosus, not one of the giant ones. They're relatively active and likely predatory on small fish.

    Please give a call if you have any questions.


    Joe Hiduke
    Director of Sales & Marketing

    Please support these groups:
    Pet Advocacy Network Aquatic Fund 
    Coral Red Pencilfish
    Shovelnose Duckbill Woodcat
    Starfire Red® GloFish® Angelfish!

    Coming this summer!!!!!
    Tetras & Other Characins
    It's hot and Florida farm fish keep growing fast. Longfin black skirts are some of the biggest and nicest that I've seen. Standard black skirts and standard and longfin white skirts are big too. Gold pristellas are great size and gorgeous. Colombian tetras, silvertips, albino silvertips and diamonds all look good as well.

    Indo is in again this week so there's a few less common species. I have new green fire tetra and black emperors that both look pretty good. Some other far-east fish in stock include tiny blind cave tetra, even tinier balloon penguins, good size non-balloon penguins, ember tetras, rummynose, cardinals, and all-male Congo tetras.

    Wild fish selection isn't a lot different but I did find a handful of flagtail Prochs. Get them now, might not see them for another couple months. Peru bleeding hearts are very nice. Still have some gold tetras and green neons from last week's Colombia shipment. Might have limited numbers of red phantoms, depending on how they look Monday.
    Gold Pristella
    Colombian Tetra
    Albino Silvertips
    Black Emperor
    Flagtail Prochilodus
    Bleeding Heart
    Barbs & Other Cyprinids
    Gold Barb
    Galaxy rasboras are in stock from Singapore and they look really good. Not 'best I've ever seen' good but a lot bigger and brighter than what I've been getting in lately. More subtle than the galaxies, the emerald-eye rasboras are stable and look good. They'll look great in your tanks if they have more structure than glass and a standpipe. Some other far-east imports that look good include red panda barbs, roseline sharks, checkerboard barbs, clown rasboras, and Asian rummynose. Cherry barbs are imports right now and among the worst I've ever seen. Skip them this week.

    Florida-bred tiger barbs are in stock in multiple sizes, and the larges are very impressive. In contrast to the import cherry barbs, the Florida albino cherry barbs are outstanding. Albino veil cherries are a fair bit smaller than the non-veil tails. Rosy barbs are big but heavy female. Black ruby barbs are small but they have some color. Red glass barbs are small and have no color, they're about as useless as the import cherry barbs. Zebra danios are big and bright and on sale for stupid cheap.
    Emerald-Eye Rasboras
    Gold Barbs
    Albino Cherry
    GloFish Barb Galactic Purple have some whoppers in there!
    I'm continuing to get some super nice Florida swordtails. The marigold wags that came in this week look fantastic. Big with plenty of males. Pretty sure I still have nice Florida neons as well. Import sanke tricolor koi swords are small but they're always pretty. Kohaku red and white koi swords are big and bright but they are nearly all female. You can never go wrong with the vampire or firecracker swords, they're big and deep velvet red.

    Some platies that stood out this week include gold twin-bars, white mickey mouse, red crystals, black aka green lanterns, sunset mickeys, gold calicos, and highfin pineapple or sunset mickeys.

    Guppies that look good include green cobras, green Moscows, pink tux, red dragon dumbos and green dragon dumbos.

    Gold sailfin mollies are big an super bright. The males always look fantastic when they're sparring with each other or showing off to their girls.
    Marigold Wag Swordtail are the best sword here by a large margin
    Dumbo Mix Guppies are best guppy right now
    Vampire Sword
    Assorted Dumbo Guppies
    Green Cobra
    Wild Sailfin Molly
    Red Platy
    Sunset Variatus
    New World Cichlids
    Back in stock with green terrors. The size kinda sucks so they're not showing a lot of color now, but I haven't seen these fish in months. Firemouths got smaller, but there are some bigger ones in the tanks that have color. Jack Dempseys are hit and miss, I have them some days and the size is OK. Black convicts are mostly good size. Same thing with pink convicts, and they're on sale this week.

    Dimerus cichlids are on special and should be in stock on Monday. They're not colorful but they're an interesting mid-sized, moderately aggressive South American fish. Throughout most of Florida this is the fish that is established that has been traded as a black acara. Although they're more like brown and darker brown than black.

    Medium orange shoulder severums are in stock and look fantastic. They're oversized mediums and are already showing some color. They'll get even more orange as they get bigger. Got plenty of gold severums in stock as well.

    For Geos, I have some new 4" brasiliensis pearly eartheaters. These fish are jerks, and beat on each other as much as any Central American. 2" red-humps are nice, already showing color. Heckeli are available in a couple sizes. Get the bigger ones, they're always nicer.

    Veil angels are coming in pretty regularly now. They're not big but they haven't been available for a few weeks. Your best bet for angels are still the bigger golds and blacks. The large size is running big and super impressive. You should get way more than your normal mark-up on these fish.

    Some import cichlids that look good include electric blue jacks, super nice Flowerhorns, blue tiger parrots, platinum parrots (on special), ridiculous balloon gold rams, electric blue rams, and Bolivian rams.

    Not much for wild cichlids but I did get in some sunset Apisto atahualpa with my Peru shipment. One of the bigger Apisos, they can get up to 4". Females will be more orange than the big male in the pic below. They're a wild Apisto so of course they're a little touchy but they're pretty sturdy for a wild Apisto.
    EB Rams
    Reg Salvini
    EB Jacks
    Gold Balloon Ram
    Wild Sunset Apisto (yes, most have great color, females are orange)
    Some of the best looking regular sized (cheap) salvini cichlids i've ever seen
    Old World Cichlids
    Cobalt zebras are back in stock. OK size with good color. Most of the regular mbunas are running big this week. Albino auratus, albino zebras, BB ornatus, socos, kennyi, EB johannis, and medium red zebra are all nice size. Medium EB johannis are way oversized, they'd get tossed into the large mix except the large mix is running gigantic right now. The medium fancy mix is an outstanding mix of color and running big.

    Plenty of nice Florida peacocks and haps. The medium male assorted peacocks are nice size. My medium is a 4" fish, young full adult, not a 3" medium juiced import. Sunshines and red fire peacocks look really good too. You can't go wrong with any of the OB fish on the list this week, they're all outrageously bright. The OB jungle haps are the biggest ones, OB red empress, Lwandas and butterfly (jake crosses) are a little smaller.

    Some other odds and ends that look good include big rock kribs, pink piebald haps (on special), nicholsi dwarf cichlids (also on special), wild-collected Florida jewels, and frontosas.
    Gold Kribensis
    Strawberry Peacock
    While the import peacocks will fade this strain doesn't fade much since since their background color is pink, not silver.
    Cobalt Zebras
    OB Red Empress
    Reg. size Red Empress
    2 inch mixed imported peacocks
    Large Julii Cory (wild peru)
    Adonis Pleco LG
    Papa Lyretail Pleco
    Colombian Zebra Pleco
    Galaxias Pleco (4-5 inches)
    Catfish and Loaches
    Gold Syno nigrita
    Peru is always good for a bunch of catfish. Stupid brown catfish, and some fish that will actually sell for you.

    Julii cories are in from Peru and they are great size. They're not julii, but they never are. Julii has basically become the trade name for trilineatus because your customers are more likely to buy a 'julie' cory than a trilineatus. In any case, these are big and beautiful. Gold/green cory cats are also available from last week's Colombian shipment. Good size and showing color, they're nice and they're on special.

    I actually have otos from Peru this week. Get them while you can because these are going to go real fast. I have zebra otos from Peru as well, and they won't go as fast because they're a lot less common and more expensive. Zebra is a bit of stretch for the name, but they do show black(ish) and white(ish) stripes(ish) as they settle in. They're just as good at eating algae as a standard oto.

    Got some Peru plecos in stock too. I have big adonis plecos with nice long lyretails. They're big enough to have lost their white spots but they're still impressive and spikey. Papa plecos are also in stock. These are royal pleco-like, and like royals they do need wood in their tank. I probably have schaferi which is a little different than the real L090, and they get bigger. Max size over two feet so make sure you have lots of room for this fish.

    In spite of the shortage of Colombian fish I still have lots of Colombian snowballs and Colombian zebras in stock from last week. Snowballs are bigger than the zebras but both of them look really good. Still have some wild bushynose plecos, and a very limited number of super nice galaxy tooothnose dracula plecos.

    Lima shovelnose are in stock from Peru. They're a little on small side, but they have the big paddle-like tails when they're this small. This is the best option of all the predatory pims for nearly all of your customers as their max size is under two feet, rarely over a foot in tanks.

    Ask me on Monday about the blue dolphin Cetopsis cats. I might have a few available.

    Some other import catfish that look good include glass cats, small Burmese sun cats, striped and spotted raphaels, big Brochis cats, and bumble bee cats. I do have pictus cats this week but they are Peru pictus. Same fish but the price is a lot higher because freight from Peru is a lot higher than freight from Colombia.

    Tank-raised gold Synodontis nigrita are back in stock this week. This is super nice fish, that's pretty outgoing for a Syno. Sometimes called false UD cats, it's not uncommon to find them upside down in the tank. Like all Synos, these are good tankmates for cichlids. Also have nice 2" decorus and outstanding 3" angeilcus/eupterus crosses.

    Tanks raised albino hoplos are still in stock and look really good. They're not bad size and have a nice pearly sheen. You can treat these kind of like giant cories. Peaceful but armored so they rarely get picked on. I also have tank-raised albino paleatus, which are always the best value cory cat on the list.

    New Borneo suckers are in stock this week and they're super nice. And not from Borneo (stupid common names). These are Chinese Pseudogastromyzon, which are super similar to the Gastromyzon that's more commonly traded as a Borneo sucker. They're a little more elongate, with a different pattern. Care is about identical, although they probably appreciate slightly cooler water. Lots and lots and lots of current, and plenty off biofilm (or wafers) to graze on.
    Gold Nigrita Syno Cat
    Zebra Oto
    Lima Shovelnose
    Borneo Slurpers
    Other Fish & Stuff
    Peru isn't just dumb catfish, I have a few other oddballs.

    South American lungfish are in stock. They are very small, which is about exactly the size they always come in. They grow pretty fast if you feed them a lot, and they will get really big. Max size is just under five feet long. They are predatory, on small worms and inverts when they're the current small size, but eventually getting big enough to eat most potential tankmates.

    I have very limited of super cool 'saw knifefish'. Steatogenys elegans, they're also traded as centipede knives. They don't get huge, ballpark 8". They're not aggressive, and in fact are likely to get picked on by more aggressive species. They even get along pretty well with each other. You can see from their face that these are not big-mouthed predators. Their diet is mostly small invertebrates. Not sure how quickly they'll accept prepared foods in an aquarium but they should take to things like frozen bloodworms or mosquito larvae pretty quickly.

    Florida blue, opaline and gold gouramis continue to come in OK size, with some of the blues getting into 'running big' territory. Blue paradise are still big and super nice too. Albino paradise got smaller but they still have nice red. Import red honey gouramis are big and bright. About three times the size of the gold honey's, those are very small this week. Sunset thicklips are really small too. Sparkling gouramis are even smaller but they're supposed to be; this is a peaceful nano fish.

    Turquoise and yellow rainbows are the brightest rainbows in stock this week. Get the medium sizes, they're a lot nicer for both varieties. Deepwater Creek splendida, blehri, parkinsoni, kamakas, and emerald wanamensis are all very nice too. Check back on Monday, I might have featherfin rainbows in stock.

    Various other odds and ends that look good include clown knives, albino and regular Senegal bichirs, Florida flagfish, alien bettas, 6-7" fire eels, peacock gudgeon gobies, dollar sunfish, Siamese algae eaters, and red paradise.
    Red Honey Gourami
    Baby S.A. Lungfish
    Deepwater Creek Rainbow
    Saw Knife
    Gold Gourami
    Sparkling Gouramis
    Bleheri "Pastel" Rainbow
    Deepwater Rainbow
    Shrimp, Snails & Other Inverts
    Still have limited numbers of horned nerite snails. Lots and lots of assassin snails and orange rabbit snails in stock. For Florida snails, the golds, ivories, and assorted mystery snails are all nice.

    Shrimp selection isn't great right now. The deluxe mix is pretty good. The red crystal shrimp are always fantastic. Blue shrimp are pretty but they are small. Orange shrimp are crappy, barely have any color. Look for more shrimp on the Monday emails, maybe.
    Assassin Snails
    Deluxe Mix Shrimp
    Saltwater Corals
    The Saltwater stock-list gets sent out on MONDAY afternoon.

    In saltwater, we offer tons of top-of-the-line corals.  If you need really nice frags to sell for $10-15, we've got you covered.  If you want a $400 show piece unique Australian brain corals, we've got that too.  Tons of the coral frags are aquacultured in-house and are named lineage pieces of various SPS and LPS.  Import frags that are MADE in-house are also available, and are great options to get slightly bigger pieces that customers want like torches, hammers, blastos, acans, zoas, etc.
    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296
    813.315.0116 fax
    Nautilus Online Ordering

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