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    Newsletter 03-21-25

    Friday, March 21, 2025


    OB Red Empress are back, baby!  These are always one of the best looking cichlids we can get.  They're not cheap, but everyone else can sell them, so you can too.  People will pay $80 or more for these retail.  There are plenty of rich dudes with a house on the water, a wife 30 years younger than them,  and a big cichlid tank that just wants what looks best and doesn't care what it costs.  
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    News & New Items
    Hey Everyone,

    We will be at the Global Pet Expo this week in the "Aquatic Lounge" so make sure to come see us if you're in town for the expo.  The weather here is absolutely perfect right now, so if you decided not to come, you're missing out on a perfect Florida Vacation, and next year you should definitely come.  It's a great time to meet the faces behind your venders, find new products to carry in your store, see what's coming out on the horizon, and get great deals.  Virtually every exhibiter at the show offers a discount of some kind, and it almost always more than pays for your plane and hotel expenses.  We are offering 20% off on your next order (saltwater and GloFish excluded), so if you place a $2,000 order to stock up and take advantage of the sale, you can save $400.  That's not chump change.  

    We will also be showcasing the next addition to the GloFish® line. We legally can't say more than that, so don't ask us, you'll just have to come to the show to see what it is yourself.  One more perk to coming to these shows!

    Check out the pictures and writeups about the specifics below and give your rep a call if you have any questions

    Longfin Cosmic Blue® GloFish® Tetras are plentiful.  I know for a while this color was unavailable in the longfin, but they're back and shouldn't be out of stock any time soon. 
    Longfin Moonrise Pink® GloFish® Tetras are running way oversized.  
    Black Emperor Tetras are back, and still seem to be running pretty big.  The last several batches have been excellent size, and I hope that continues. 
    Penguin Tetras restocked and are pretty huge.  
    Balloon Penguins are also back in stock.  Much smaller than the standard penguins, but that's to be expected.  Still not bad size though, bigger than a large neon tetra.  
    Longfin Blushing White Tetras are running big, and make a great oddball tetra to carry.  
    Colombian Tetras are on special this week.  Running a bit small, but at the special price they're still a great buy.  
    Lemon Guppies are a solid bright yellow, definitely stand out amidst the sea of reds and blues.
    Green Dumbo are always a great option, nice big tails and bright colors. 
    Rainbow Platy are back in stock, and one of the better looking platies.  The green body with red face and tail area looks. really cool, and they also have black wag tails. 
    Bumblebee Platy are looking exceptional right now.  They're not just yellow and black, some of the males have red in there too.
    Pineapple Swordtails are the really cool looking strain again this week.  I love this variety, I think I've seen them called "candy pineapples" online before.  The whole body is a bright red color but they still have some iridescent green shining through in the middle of the body.  
    Pineapple Wags are also still very nice.  
    Gold Dust Lyretail are the best looking molly right now.  Dalmations are the biggest but I think these look better.
    Asia Imports
    Samurai Gouami are restocked and still extremely good size.  The cool thing about these is it's actually the females that have the best color with the males being slightly more drab, so you can easily keep them in small groups with a bunch of brightly colored females and one duller male without aggression issues. 
    Green Scats are about 1.5 inch, and one of the true brackish fish we carry.  Definitely add some salt to their tank if you plan on stocking these, and make sure you let your customers know they're brackish.  They can be acclimated to full saltwater as well for someone looking for a unique saltwater fish.  
    Glass catfish are holding up great this week.  Sometimes these come in and just crash hard and we never even bother putting them on the stock list for you all, but this group is fantastic so far.  Great time to pick some up.  Also, this fish is truly a schooling fish, and they do not do well at all if you keep them alone or with 1 friend, so make sure you're selling them in groups of at least 4 to your customers. 
    Burmese Tire Track Eels are in stock for the first time in a year i think.  This spotted variety of Tire Track Eel honestly I think would sell better if you called them "Leopard Eels".  Cool names sell fish.  
    Yo Yo loaches are back and not quite as tiny as they normally are. 
    Strawberry Peacocks are freshly juiced up.  The males are so bright you have to squint to look straight at them.  
    2" red pearl Flowerhorns are still here, but not many left.  If your order is packing Wednesday or Thursday, I'm expecting we will be out by then, but if you get the order in early in the week these are a great choice.  
    Longfin Rosy barbs are coming in great size again and the males are perfect looking.  We're putting them on special for the first time, so great opportunity to grab 50 or so. 
    Large Tiger Barbs are back on the menu, boys! 
    Got some of the biggest and nicest Albino Paradise Gouramis i've ever seen, and i'm sure they'll run out quick.  There's also a tank of normal sized ones too, so it's probably best to remind your sales rep you want the bigger ones when you order so we can put a note on the ticket. 
    Peacock Gudgeon are still coming in regularly!  Color is still great and the size isn't getting smaller, so it sounds like the breeder has a good number of them coming up. 
    Featherfin rainbows are back after a short break, and they're big enough to tell males from females.  This is an older picture, the fish available aren't quite this big yet.  
    Electric Blue Rams are stocked and look like a great batch.  Color is intense on them all, and they look alert and healthy.  This is a fish that sometimes has massive swings in quality, but this is a good time to get them. 
    Central/South American Cichlids
    Firemouths continue to hold down the fort when it comes to the common south/central cichlids.  Color is consistently good even at a small size.  
    Red Spot Turquoise Severums got restocked this week and still look great.  We have some of the adult breeders coming to Global with us to show off, so we'll get a picture of the breeders next week to show you.  They turn into incredible fish. 
    Medium sized jewel Cichlids are back.  This was a staple in the hobby for decades but lately have been harder to find lately.  Color is the best when they're at medium size like this.  
    Red Warrior Flowerhorn got restocked.  We have a picture of the male broodstock below.
    Picture of the broodstock for the Red Warrior Flowerhorns. Again, please note, this is note a size we have for sale, this is a picture from the breeder that he provided us because so many of you were asking what these look like when they mature.  
    We found 2 large Alfari Cichlids hanging around from months ago when we got that small group to sell.  We were going to take them to Global but decided to just sell them instead.  If you're interested get with your rep.  Extremely rare fish, but actually a reasonable price considering the rarity and the size of these. 
    Old World Cichlids
    High-Yellow OB Peacocks.  We got a handful of these, and they're absolutely stunning.  Yellow based OB's are probably the color phase I get asked for the most, and the reality is the breeders pull these out of their OB fry when growing out because they know they're worth more.  
    The Show Quality Peacocks we brought in for Global are outstanding, including a wide variety of colors like this incredible looking pink guy here.  He's going to the show, but he'll be back for sale next week.  We have plenty more incredible fish though ready for sale right now, we brought in about 30 fish and we're taking 15 to the show. 
    Assorted large haps got restocked and there's plenty of great fish in there.  Especially for the price, it's a great option for colorful Africans this week. 
    Medium mixed haps are back for anyone looking to get haps at a better price.  Keep in mind the size means they're not fully colored yet.  This is a typical fish in the mix.  
    Medium Fancy Mbunas are back, and we got Large Fancy's as well.  Plenty of really cool fish in the fancy mix.  
    These are the small Duboisi cichlids that are always on the list.
    Here's some larger Duboisi Maswas that we just got, first time in about a year i think.  These are PROBABLY all males, so don't ask us to sex out and send you 10 females.  
    For discus, this week we're pretty limited.  We have these "red pigeonbloods" which are a strain that normally carries a lot more red into adulthood. 

    The other discus are just "assorted".  The following 3 photos are representative of fish pulled from the mix. 
    Plecos & Pals
    Small Royal Plecos are looking fantastic this week.  Great fins, not all torn up, and bright red eyes!
    Colombian Zebra plecos are running big right now, and should be on every order.  The price to coolness ratio on these is off the charts!
    Green Phantoms available in small, large, and extra large this week.  Extra Large pictured.  
    Tank raised bushynose available at the 2 inch size.  WE haven't had small bushynose in FOREVER due to them arriving in absolutely terrible size every week for months now, but these 2 inch showed up very nice.  
    Redtail catfish are back, about 2.5 inches.  Really probably one of the least-appropriate fish for a store to be selling to people, but they do sell, and realistically I think 99% of them die before they get to problematic size anyway, so we'll keep getting them in as long as they keep selling.  But of course, make sure you let your customers know these get 5 feet long and almost 200 pounds.  
    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296
     Scott ext 299
    813.315.0116 fax
    Nautilus Online Ordering

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