Hey Folks,
Not a TON of new fish to talk about from over the weekend, but what we did get new is pretty exciting higher-demand stuff.
First, Medium Green Terrors! Probably one of the best selling C/S American Cichlids we get, so grab them while you can.
Next and slightly more impressive are some 5 inch Geophagus Heckelli. Only have 2 available, so probably the first store to respond to this email saying they want them is going to take both. They're awesome with nice long fin streamers. Heckelli don't get a LOT bigger than this, so this is basically like buying an "XL" sized fish (regulars are 1.5 inch).
Last new fish were some Cuban Cichlids at about 4 inches. This batch was very fired-up from the minute they hit the tank. Super active and healthy looking. Mixed sex but females look just as good as males on this species. And both will get big and kill everything in their tank. Sounds like a downside, but plenty of people out there want mean fish they can watch murder feeder goldfish.
This week was very kind with imported fish and we've got tons of cool stuff to show off!
Indonesia probably had the most number of new cool stuff. Everything from nano fish running big and nice (Emerald Dwarf Rasboras and Panda Loaches) to some oddball stuff like the eels getting restocked and Rocket Gar. Make sure to check the list thoroughly this week to make sure you don't miss something you've been waiting on for a while!
Samurai Gouramis, Roseline sharks, Frontosas in 3 types, XL Platies, Discus, and much much more all restocked.
From Florida, a super nice batch of med sized Peacock Cichlid males and a "Premium O.B. mix" are both in this week. Pics below, tons and tons of nice fish in those mixes. The OB Mix is about twice the price of the standard mix medium males, but there are no OB's in the standard mix, so ordering some of each is a great idea.
Check out the pictures and writeups about the specifics below and give your rep a call if you have any questions
--Steven |