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    Newsletter 03-17-25

    Monday, March 17, 2025


    Florida Gar are somehow still here!  I would have thought these would be gone instantly when they showed up a couple weeks ago.  They're perfect tank-size, about 8 inches.  Great for 75-125 gallon tanks at the moment. 
    Hey Folks,

    Not a TON of new fish to talk about from over the weekend, but what we did get new is pretty exciting higher-demand stuff.

    First, Medium Green Terrors!  Probably one of the best selling C/S American Cichlids we get, so grab them while you can.  

    Next and slightly more impressive are some 5 inch Geophagus Heckelli.  Only have 2 available, so probably the first store to respond to this email saying they want them is going to take both.  They're awesome with nice long fin streamers.  Heckelli don't get a LOT bigger than this, so this is basically like buying an "XL" sized fish (regulars are 1.5 inch).  

    Last new fish were some Cuban Cichlids at about 4 inches.  This batch was very fired-up from the minute they hit the tank.  Super active and healthy looking.  Mixed sex but females look just as good as males on this species.  And both will get big and kill everything in their tank.  Sounds like a downside, but plenty of people out there want mean fish they can watch murder feeder goldfish.  


    Hey Everyone,

    This week was very kind with imported fish and we've got tons of cool stuff to show off!  

    Indonesia probably had the most number of new cool stuff.  Everything from nano fish running big and nice (Emerald Dwarf Rasboras and Panda Loaches) to some oddball stuff like the eels getting restocked and Rocket Gar.  Make sure to check the list thoroughly this week to make sure you don't miss something you've been waiting on for a while!  

    Samurai Gouramis, Roseline sharks, Frontosas in 3 types, XL Platies, Discus, and much much more all restocked.

    From Florida, a super nice batch of med sized Peacock Cichlid males and a "Premium O.B. mix" are both in this week.  Pics below, tons and tons of nice fish in those mixes.  The OB Mix is about twice the price of the standard mix medium males, but there are no OB's in the standard mix, so ordering some of each is a great idea.  

    Check out the pictures and writeups about the specifics below and give your rep a call if you have any questions

    Blue Kerri are consistently fantastic.  One of the best looking tetras we get and this batch is just as nice
    Albino Black Neons were a suprise hit! these came in great size.  Give them a shot!
    Rasbora Hets are running great size lately and showing lots of rich purple base color.  I love the way these look in a big school, and they school very tightly too, unlike most tetras.  Great option for a community tank that wan'ts something a little different from usual. 
    Gold White Clouds are really big at the moment.  I think we're getting pretty limited on the normal color white clouds, so if I were you I'd just get golds this week.  
    Peacock Gudgeons are running much bigger than usual and showing why they deserve the name "Peacock"
    Medium Green Terrors arrived over the weekend.  I'm sure they'll be gone by tomorrow.  Super popular, great price.   
    Cuban cichlid restock look better than I've seen before.  This guy here was mid-fight with a tankmate when we pulled him for a picture, hence the overall dark coloration.  Normally they show almost a white background with the black markings.  
    5 Inch Heckelli are excellent.  Big streamers showing on them and great color.  These are one of the more laid back SA Cichlids and can be kept in a group no problem.  
    Albino Red Peacocks are incredible.  Mostly white/pink base color with a little yellow in there too.  Very unique.  
    The Large Mixed Haps have some pure strain fish like this Moorii in there.  
    Red Frontosas are bigger and cheaper than standard Frontosas, making them the better option for you whenever they're in stock.  
    Reptile & Amphibian Highlights
    Not a lot to update on reptiles.  We mostly removed stuff from the list this week unfortunately.  The Reptile buyer is actually out today picking up new stock, but since we only update this list on Monday, we're going to miss it all this week.  Sorry about that!  There is still some nice stuff that's been here since last week though, like African Mud and Sideneck turtles! 

    Please join USARK-Florida, even if you're not a Florida resident or business. Membership is free and you can sign up here: USARK-FL Membership.
    Cobalt Blue Tarantula are adults and absolutely beautiful.  Keep in mind these can be lightning fast when they want to be, so not really a handling-spider, more of a display species.  
    Fat Tailed Geckos with Regen'ed tails were in stock last week and were very nice for the price.  They're gone now, but now you know for next time you see them on the list.  Fat Tail Geckos are like the cooler cousin of Leopard Geckos.  Equally hardy, great first time lizards.  They don't get as much love since they don't have all the crazy color morphs 
    Contact Your Sales Rep

    Destiny ext 299
    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296

    Karen ext 218

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    Nautilus Wholesale · PO Box 1656 · Plant City, FL 33564 · USA

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