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Hey Everyone,
This week was very kind with imported fish and we've got tons of cool stuff to show off!
Indonesia probably had the most number of new cool stuff. Everything from nano fish running big and nice (Emerald Dwarf Rasboras and Panda Loaches) to some oddball stuff like the eels getting restocked and Rocket Gar. Make sure to check the list thoroughly this week to make sure you don't miss something you've been waiting on for a while!
Samurai Gouramis, Roseline sharks, Frontosas in 3 types, XL Platies, Discus, and much much more all restocked.
From Florida, a super nice batch of med sized Peacock Cichlid males and a "Premium O.B. mix" are both in this week. Pics below, tons and tons of nice fish in those mixes. The OB Mix is about twice the price of the standard mix medium males, but there are no OB's in the standard mix, so ordering some of each is a great idea.
Check out the pictures and writeups about the specifics below and give your rep a call if you have any questions
Black Phantoms tetras are locally sourced again, and running much larger than average. These popular tetras work great for almost any tank size. |
Black Neon Tetras are also coming from Florida at the moment and size is great on these too. |
These small Blue Whales...I mean, Black Skirt Tetras....are one of the most impressively oversized fish you can get. Don't sleep on them this week, they could revert to normal size at any time. |
Mentioned these last week but that was before they had arrived. These are probably some of the nicest Lemon Tetras I've seen in a long time. Size is great and color is super bright. |
Ruby Tetras have been absent from the last couple import shipments but we finally got them filled again this week. These make a great nano fish, and once they settle in they'll show better color than the Chili Rasboras. |
Red Phantom Tetras are always a little on the smaller side, but this batch has awesome color. Like a Serpae with more intense red. |
Tricolor Dumbo Guppy are impressive with their nice big tails. |
Black Endler Livebearers look super cool, and I wish we had females to match these, i'd set up a colony at home for sure. But in a store setting, I think you can't go wrong adding these to your mixed male guppy tank. |
Green Cobra Guppies came in a little smaller than usual, Normally these have great sized tails, so I would pick a different guppy this week. |
XL Platy are the best platy, by far. it's not even close. Honestly, they're always the best platy. You should be buying these every week and spending the extra 60 cents or whatever it costs to upgrade. They're 5 times as impressive for not even double the price. |
MM Candy Cane Platy are back, and this wins my vote for best MM type. I like the red, white, and black combo on these. |
Neon Swordtails came back and color is awesome. Lots of red in the back half, with a greenish front half. |
Large Assorted Sailfin Molly are not super huge, but are a great mix at the moment. I think this is the first time I've seen the Chocolate Mollies in this mix, an there's virtually no Greens, so all the fish have color (or are black). |
Gardneri Killifish came in MUCH bigger than normal this week so it's a great chance to grab some. These are sold as mixed sex, and the price is honestly extremely low. You can make bank if you order like a dozen of these, and then sell sexed pairs at $24.99 or somewhere around there. And that's a very fair retail price while you're making a 4X margin. |
Bumblebee Gobies are back! These are brackish fish, so must have SOME salt in the water to do well. They don't need to be in actual brackish water, but it wouldn't hurt to put a cup of salt per 20 gallons or so. Basically the same thing I'd recommend for keeping livebearers healthy. |
We sold out of the old Apisto's and got a new batch in. These are ordered as "Cacatoides male", and we think they're basically "assorted cacatoides". Some seem to be double reds, some would qualify as triple reds, some have orange fins instead of red. But they're all males. |
The biggest Emerald Dwarf Rasboras i think that I've ever seen in person. These are super nice. The males are big enough to be in full stripe coloration. Females of course are mostly brown, but seem to be full of eggs. |
Blue Parrot Cichlids came in very, very small. We're putting them on special. if you order them, you're getting a deal for the size, we don't want to see them on credit requests for them being small. |
Orange Chromides are one of the coolest oddball cichlids. These are one of the only species of Cichlid found on the Asian continent, and they're much more laid back than African or American Cichlids. Max size is only about 4 inches, and the color is already incredible. |
it's been a few months since we had Clown Knives available, so here's a picture of them in case you forgot the size they come at. They're right around 3 inches, but you can already see the stripes at this size. |
Delhizi Bichirs are restocked and normal size. About the same as a large cigarette (sorry, I don't smoke...whatever the "longer than normal" type are called). |
This is the first time I think we've gotten this type of Gold Honey Gourami in! These have aweosme red fins with the yellow/pink body. Much cooler looking than the standard gold honey. I'm not sure we'll ever see them again, so don't sleep on these if you're interested. If you order them next week you're likely to get normal Gold Honeys. |
Pearl Gouramis are tiny, and they're not cheap, I'd recommend NOT buying these until we feature them in a future email saying they're finally bigger. In the meantime, if you can't live without them, we do have these. |
Red Paradise gouramis are back, the imported variety. These are a really neat solid red color with darker fins. I'm not sure if they send us only males, or if both sexes have good color, but they all look like this. |
Central/South American Cichlids
Red Pikes came in the biggest and the reddest that I've ever seen. Worth every penny. The tail is drooping down in the picture, so it's longer than it looks, and it already looks pretty big. |
4" Salvini are in full color, and they're on special! |
5" Salvini are here too, absolute monstrous sized for Salvini. They do lose a little color when they're at maximum size like this, but they're still very impressive. |
Medium EB Acaras are still looking really good and Florida Bred. |
2" Trimac. For everyone that's looking for a cichlid that will get over a foot long and kill everything. These are what Flowerhorns were initially hybridized from, and that's where they get their aggressive nature. |
Tank Raised Oscars have been strangly impossible for us to get enough of in the last couple of weeks. But wild Oscars came in from Colombia, and they look great, so this will be the Oscar you need to buy if you want Oscars right now. |
Medium Red Nyereri are back and just as beautiful as ever. There are females mixed in, but it's 80-90% males. |
Redfin Borleyi regular sized are running really nice at the moment. Males are starting to change color |
Assorted Medium Male Peacocks are a new batch full of awesome fish. Great variety right now too. here's a nice solid blue guy. These are probably hybrids of peacocks and haps, but we don't know. |
Another assorted medium Peacock. This one definitely is mostly hap, looks like a Taiwan reef mixed with something else. |
Another Assorted Medium Peacock. Here's what looks to be a pure strain Sunshine/Benga, so not everything is hybrids. |
Another Assorted Medium Peacock. This one is a "Red Fire" Dragonblood type. |
We also have some "Premium Mixed OB Male Peacocks" and this is probably the best batch of premiums I've seen. They're always nice, but this batch has no bad fish in it at all. Check out how orange the base color is on this guy, absolutely insane. Pretty rare, I don't see this color combo often. |
Another Premium OB Male Peacock, this one almost has the same coloration as a bubblegum socolofi, that nice blueberry type OB coloring. |
New discus are in, and this is a stunning fish out of the 3 inch mixed. |
One of the new discus that arrived this week, Marlboro Reds. Color is great on this strain, even at a smaller size, making it a great option to carry for customers that want the instant gratification of a discus that looks like what they see online. |
Blue Diamonds came in super nice, powdery blue. |
Pigeon Bloods are probably the least impressive, but that's probably because they're the smallest of the new discus. You can see the pattern coming in now, but it's not fully covered. |
Mosaic ("Ninja") Wood Cats are back! They're like little Orca Whales. Still pretty uncommon in the hobby, and should definitely get some double-takes in your shop. |
Gold/Green cory are back from South America. Great size, and this species usually is pretty hardy. |
Panda Loaches came in about 2 or 3 weeks ago, but we had to sit on them to medicate a while on arrival. They're good to go now, haven't had a loss in a week or so and they're back on the list. Great algae eaters! |
Tiger Botia are big and colorful. Keep in mind these can be pretty territorial towards other bottom dwelling fish, so don't mix them in your store with Cory Cats or other Catfish or Loach species. |