Hey Folks,
Off to another great start to the week, one of the busiest Monday's I've seen in a while. Got quite a few new fish in over the weekend and more coming today, although all my fun imports are coming in tomorrow. If you're ordering for later in the week I may have some big premium peacocks and haps of the non-OB variety (still Florida-raised), and some new bettas that I haven't had in years.
Florida-bred all-male rosy barbs are in stock for the first time in ages. They're big, bold and beautiful. Large tiger barbs are very nice size today, a fair bit bigger than the mediums. Also have some new Texas cichlids (Texas/carpintis crosses) that are decent size with a little color.
As usual, I had a weekend guppy restock. Best guppies this week include ocean blues, firetails, tequilas (all small tails), tricolor dumbos, turquoise blue-tails, and lemons.
Lemon tetras are also in stock after a pretty long absence. Size is OK, not great but you can tell what they are. Penguin tetras that came in over the weekend look great, a fair bit bigger than usual. Rosy tetras are in stock again and they look fantastic.
A few other things that stood out in today's walk-through include platinum green tiger barbs, assorted swordtails, huge glowlight tetras, ember tetras, Peru altum angels, large bleeding hearts, emperor blue hooks, new moonlight gouramis, medium peacock gudgeons, 2" and 3" Florida-bred bushynose, large albino bushynose, large emerald rainbows, signifers that are as big as they get, oversized jaguar Synos, and ornate bichirs (three left).
Tons and tons of cool Africans coming in tonight. I've got small Ngara flametail peacocks, albino flavescents, and lemon jakes on order. Also getting big mix haps, colored male venustus, Mloto gold-crests, Malawi gar. Lots of uncommon mbuna too including avanti yellow-tail zebras, flavus, Mapunga deeps, Chewere and jewel-spot elongatus, Cobue and white top afras. Look for a supplemental email in the next day or two.
Please give a call if you have any questions.
Joe Hiduke Nautilus |
All-Male Rosy Barbs |
Assorted Florida Synos The jaguar Synos look just like this but a little smaller, close to 2". |
Moonlight Gouramis |
Lg Emerald Rainbow |
Got green afras, Cobue afras, avanti zebras, ruby OBs, sp. deep, and a bunch of other cool mbunas coming tonight. |
Also have lemon jakes, Ngara flametails and some other fancy peacocks. Peacocks that aren't OB. |
Blue Diamond Congos |
Black Ranchu |
Ivory Labs |
Blue Tiger Parrot |
Dolphin Mormyrid |
Reptile & Amphibian Highlights
Herp list is the same, and it's 5:00 so your notes are the same too. They involve elephant trunk snakes which are the best snake for aquatics sotres.
Still have elephant trunk snakes, and since they're the best suited snake for an aquarium store I'm featuring them again. These are babies of the giant elephant trunks. One of the coolest snakes in the world, they are fully aquatic and unlike anything else. These are kind of touchy, but they come in in much better condition now that they're imported as babies. They acclimate well and almost always feed right away. Warm temperatures and soft acidic water seem to reduce the likelihood and severity of skin blisters.
Another new Indo import, I have mangrove monitors available. These are beautiful display animals that rarely bite. I say display animal because they often stay flighty, but some individuals will calm down. Not a small monitor but small enough that housing isn't too difficult. Max size is 3-4', with half of that tail.
Ornamental baboon spiders are back in stock this week. I wouldn't exactly call them outgoing but they don't bury themselves like terrestrial tarantulas. They're out in the open sometimes, and especially when feeding. In addition to be less shy in their cage they're also not shy about putting holes in your hand, and they're pretty fast. Fun for the whole family.
Please join USARK-Florida, even if you're not a Florida resident or business. Membership is free and you can sign up here: USARK-FL Membership. |
Giant Elephant Trunk Snake |
Mangrove Monitor |
Ornamental Baboon Spider |