SCIENTIFIC NAME: JORDANELLA FLORIDAE FLORIDA BRED Originating from still and slow-moving marshes, swamps, lakes, and ponds from Florida south to the Yucatan Peninsula, Flagfish are a native killifish renowned for feeding on all types of algae, including hair algae which very few other fish will eat. They may nibble on soft plants as well as algae. Semi-aggressive and occasionally fin-nippers, they mingle fine with other nippy fish like Tiger Barbs, or even less aggressive cichlids. Staying fairly small, Flagfish will obtain a length of approximately 2.5 inches. They’ll do okay with a diet of flakes or pellets, but will do best when given a veggie or spirulina flake as part of their diet. Being a US native, Flagfish are cold tolerant and will do fine outdoors or in an unheated tank. Though frequently wild caught, we get these as tank-raised fish from one of our local suppliers.