SCIENTIFIC NAME: OTOCINCLUS COCAMA Obtaining a maximum size of 2 inches, the Zebra Otocinclus Catfish makes a unique addition to any community tank. Zebra Otos hail from small tributaries or slow-flowing marginal zones of larger rivers and are usually associated with aquatic vegetation or terrestrial grasses growing in the water. They tend to occur in large numbers, often among the vegetation in the upper part of the water column, near the surface. In terms of Otocinclus care, Otos should be added to a well established, mature, stable and clean aquarium in order to allow them the greatest chance of survival. Zebra Otocinclus Catfish like heavily planted tanks with a good amount of established algae growth, especially of the soft filmy and soft green varieties. That’s why it’s important to make sure the tank is clean, but not “too clean”. Otocinclus food can also include supplements such as algae wafers, sinking omnivore pellets, and even some fresh vegetables like green zucchini slices. (Some Otocinclus will eat green zucchini slices and some will not, so try it out for a couple days. If the Otos do not appear to be interested, take the zucchini out of the tank before it decomposes and disintegrates, creating water quality issues.)